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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Ren Rader

I’m here, I’m Queer…and Catholic. Get used to it.

Ben Falcon August 27, 2020
Queer Catholics exist, and we're here to stay
Far from a “consolation prize”: A woman VP will be a triumph for all

Far from a “consolation prize”: A woman VP will be a triumph for all

Ben Falcon May 8, 2020
Here are the top 10 women who could be the Democratic vice presidential nominee.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Bye, bye, Bernie. It’s Biden’s time

Ben Falcon April 22, 2020

Illustration by Andrea NebhutWe are all ridin’ with Biden now. Last week, former Vice President Joe Biden took up the mantle of leadership for the Democratic Party after Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders...

A response to Ben Falcon's column "The center can hold, only by living to fight another day"

A response to Ben Falcon’s column “The center can hold, only by living to fight another day”

Nathan Glancy March 5, 2020

This column was originally posted as a web comment on March 1 to Ben Falcon's column "The center can hold, only by living to fight another day" (published in print on 2/28). It has been updated for style...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

The center can hold, only by living to fight another day

Ben Falcon February 27, 2020
In a previous column, I said, “The last thing we should do is stop being the Democratic party and become Bernie’s Democratic Socialist party.” I believe my warning may have come too late.
SGA's role in campus change is performative

SGA’s role in campus change is performative

Benjamin Gonzalez February 25, 2020
What is the point of a student government that can't represent student interests?
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Why is socialism so sad? Because it always loses.

Ben Falcon February 13, 2020
If socialism is to succeed, progressives need to ditch elitist and exclusionary tactics for a more inclusive, effective approach.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Argument defines democracy

Benjamin Adams February 6, 2020
A response to Ben Falcon's "Why we should beware the 'Bern'."
Why we should beware of the “Bern”

Why we should beware of the “Bern”

Ben Falcon January 30, 2020
Sanders embodies a leftist version of the many things that I view to be most problematic with Trump
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Kamala Harris, you are not our nominee

Ben Falcon November 21, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutSince I last wrote about the race for the White House, a few things haven’t changed. We still have a large, crowded field of Democrats running for the chance to take...

Previously, on SGA: Three Hours Later...

Previously, on SGA: Three Hours Later…

Kathleen Creedon November 7, 2019

The following covers the three-hour-long meeting on Nov. 6.CLIMATE CHECK Sophomore senator Noor Rahman expressed frustration about the new reserved parking spots in Prassel Garage. Junior senator Claire...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

The Kurdish policy change weakens the U.S. internationally

Ben Falcon October 23, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderLast week, the president unilaterally chose to abruptly reverse U.S. foreign policy by withdrawing our forces from northern Syria, where the United States had been supporting its...