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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Hannah Hsu

Trinity’s newest A capella group takes the stage

Savannah Wahlgren September 20, 2019
Senior Hannah Hsu establishes Soli Deo Gloria, a Christian singing ensemble
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

This isn’t really about Chick-fil-A

Elise Hester May 2, 2019
Homophobia is a Christian value, but does not align with the values of Christ
Photo credit: Gabriella Garriga

Be strong and courageous

Kailey Deluca April 25, 2019
Some tips for living out your Christian faith at school
Rejecting conservatism in Christ

Rejecting conservatism in Christ

Elise Hester April 14, 2018

Respected Friends, Colossians 2:8 instructs us to “be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty and deceptive philosophy, according to human tradition, according to the elementary...

photo by Henry Pratt

The responsibility of tolerance

Dulce Davis April 11, 2018

Last May, I experienced a major life change. As exciting as this life change has been for me, it has proven tricky to share with my friends and loved ones. When I converted to Christianity by asking Jesus...

illustration by Julia Poage

Trinity’s religious student groups

Gabriella Garriga February 21, 2018

Do you want to continue practicing your religion in college? Do you want to learn more about religions you may not have known about? Do you need help finding the religious organization for you? Trinity...

Victoria Lange, left, introduced Christina Wang, center, and Saundra Decker, right, as the two women who would be sharing the stories of their experiences with abortion. Though Lange acted as an interviewer in this session, all six members of Abortion Hurts, God Heals are women who have found healing in faith post-abortion. Photo by Chloe Sonnier, staff photographer.

Tigers for Life sponsor post-abortion talk

Cathy Terrace January 24, 2018

For many, having an abortion is a life-changing decision. For the advocacy group called Abortion Hurts, God Heals, the post-abortion healing process starts with one's faith. Guest lecturers from the group...