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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Bon appétit: A food review of new restaurants on campus

Bon appétit: A food review of new restaurants on campus

Your guide to some of the best meals to get on campus from two student perspectives
Omar Ratrut and Malika Chauhan, Pulse Reporter October 20, 2023

Malika: When dining in the Coates Student Center, I always try to find a filling meal because it is important for me to get through the class day with enough fuel and energy. I try to rotate my options...

“Coates Kiosks are not what We Ordered”

“Coates Kiosks are not what We Ordered”

Daniel Itkins, Pulse Reporter September 7, 2023

Gravitating toward a “modern” campus, the university installed touch screens over the summer in the Coates Student Center. Although the screens replaced the humans that work behind the counter, you...

Sidewalk Symposium: Coates chaos

Students share their opinions on the new ordering systems in the Coates Student Center.
Omar Ratrut, Pulse Reporter September 7, 2023

With the new dining change from Aramark to Chartwells, many aspects of the Coates Student Center dining experience have changed. The implementation of touch-screen technology aims to increase efficiency,...

Chartwells to introduce similar rotating dining service

Chartwells to introduce similar rotating dining service

The concept of Revolve will live on as Trinity makes the switch to new dining provider
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter March 23, 2023

Amidst Trinity’s transition from Aramark to Chartwells as dining service provider, the future of many of the food vendors with which students are familiar is up in the air. With each merchant, Chartwells...

Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Kathleen Creedon April 23, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 22.This was the final SGA meeting of the year, and both current and incoming SGA members were in attendance.PASS/FAILFor the past couple of weeks, SGA members...

According to an Einstein’s Bros. bagels employee, require employees to throw out their bagels after four hours due to them becoming stale. Although there is much food waster on campus, dining services is trying to become more sustainable. photo by Jordan Bruce, webmaster

TU aims to limit food waste, including the 4.23 tons of trash that Mabee creates weekly

Bobby Watson April 24, 2018

According to Sharon Curry, sustainability coordinator, Mabee alone produces about 4.23 tons of trash weekly, and much of that is food waste. In the process of providing multiple food vendors and an open...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: Funny Money

Kathleen Creedon March 6, 2018

This covers the SGA meeting on March 5.   GUEST COMMENTS Sophomore Marleny Salas expressed concern about the evening EcoGrounds shift. Salas explained that the shift includes long hours...

graphic by Tyler Herron

From the editors’ desk: Support your Trinity staff!

Editorial Staff November 16, 2017

Last Monday, Nov. 13, was World Kindness Day. Since 1998, the World Kindness Movement has worked to promote niceness across the globe; the easiest way to do this is to take time out of the day to perform...

The new Tiger Learning Commons opened this fall semester. Photos by Amani Canada

Tiger Learning Commons opens in Coates library

Kendra Derrig August 30, 2017

Correction: Jenny Rowe was incorrectly identified as Jenny Lowe. On Aug. 28, the Tiger Learning Commons (TLC) officially opened on the third floor of the Elizabeth Huth Coates Library, combining the...