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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


WWE and UFC merger is tough to grapple with

WWE and UFC merger is tough to grapple with

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist September 28, 2023

For fans of large people hitting each other very hard or pretending to do so, massive news came out last month when Endeavor, the parent company of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), merged with...

Academic racism is everyone’s problem

Academic racism is everyone’s problem

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist September 15, 2023

Most people have an eminent desire to not be a part of racism in any capacity, but the world we’re living in makes that nearly impossible. The world’s flow of money and information runs through colonial...

Elon Musk takes a huge L with X

Elon Musk takes a huge L with X

If there is anything Elon Musk should be commended for, it’s single-handedly disproving the existence of meritocracy
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist September 7, 2023

If there is one thing Elon Musk should be universally commended for, it’s single-handedly disproving the existence of meritocracy. Last year, in his search for external validation, Elon Musk bought...

It’s 90 seconds to midnight

It’s 90 seconds to midnight

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist August 31, 2023

“The Trustees also recognize that on very rare occasions, a continued investment may be so morally reprehensible that such investment would necessitate the University’s divestment.” This is an excerpt...

The NCAA should pay its athletes

The NCAA should pay its athletes

How is this not common sense?
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist April 27, 2023

A majority of colleges and universities in the United States have athletic programs whose athletes generate significant revenue for their schools and the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA)....

Humans are not inherently bad

Humans are not inherently bad

It’s easy to be pessimistic about humanity, but it’s also unproductive
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist April 13, 2023

If you are a human who has existed on this planet at practically any point in history, you have probably heard someone insinuate that humans are inherently evil or harmful. This notion has been the...

There’s a new Swashbuckler on campus

There’s a new Swashbuckler on campus

Avast ye! I am making big changes after my ascent to Swashbuckler captaincy
Bolin Bouston, Opinion Colunist March 30, 2023

This piece is entirely satirical. Read the rest of our April Fool’s edition, the Trinibonian, here.  When I was named a captain of Swashbucklers for the upcoming school year last week, I knew it...

Trinity needs to bridge departmental gaps

Trinity needs to bridge departmental gaps

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist March 9, 2023

This semester I switched my major from computer science to political science, and therefore my classes and the people in them have been very different. That much I expected, and the changes in the conversations...

San Antonio needs to fund public transit

San Antonio needs to fund public transit

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist February 23, 2023

Having lived in San Antonio my entire life, I’ve had plenty of opportunities to observe San Antonio’s transportation system, and it’s plain to see that the best way to get around is by car. This...

Student streaming first Brahmas game while in library

Will San Antonio’s newest football team last?

I went to the XFL San Antonio Brahmas opening game and here are my takeaways
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist February 23, 2023

On Sunday, Feb. 19, I attended the home opener of the San Antonio Brahmas at the Alamodome, where they suffered a close and crushing defeat to the St. Louis Battlehawks. Both teams are part of the XFL,...

The Spurs, SAFC and the problem with U.S. sports

The Spurs, SAFC and the problem with U.S. sports

How U.S. professional sports teams could learn from international relegation systems
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist February 9, 2023

San Antonio has a rich and successful history in professional sports, but the past year has been frustrating for many local lifelong fans such as myself. This frustration stems primarily from to the San...

Why we don't need TUPD

Why we don’t need TUPD

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist February 9, 2023

The time to have hard conversations about the police is now. It was also five, 10, 20 and 100 years ago, but they need to happen now because the same things keep happening. Less than a month ago, five...