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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Football’s rotten core

Football’s rotten core

American football needs to fundamentally change
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist January 26, 2023

With the NFL Playoffs in full swing and the recent conclusion of college football season, late January is when football, America’s most popular sport, is most relevant. As such, any football league would...

Patriotism, America’s favorite poison

Patriotism, America’s favorite poison

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist November 10, 2022

If you were asked to name one stereotype about the United States, there’s a decent chance you’d name something to do with patriotism. In America, love of the country is considered an essential virtue...

It’s time to talk about the danger of AI-generated art

It’s time to talk about the danger of AI-generated art

Is AI-generated art replacing artists?
Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist October 27, 2022

If you’ve been on social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram over the past few months, there’s a good chance you’ve noticed the trend of art generated by artificial intelligence (AI) based...

It’s hard to be right when arguing with the right

It’s hard to be right when arguing with the right

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist October 13, 2022

When you look at the rhetoric and policies of the American left, a noticeable trend appears in the way liberals attempt to engage with the right. Specifically, liberals tend to be interested in reason...

Greg Abbott: The least pro-life governor

Greg Abbott: The least pro-life governor

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist September 29, 2022

When millions of Texans cast their ballots on Nov. 8, Greg Abbott should pray voters don’t look too closely at his “pro-life” label. He touts it endlessly, with empty platitudes such as declaring...