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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Baseline and surveillance testing conducted on arrival to campus returned eight positive cases. Over 1,000 tests have been administered in the weeks since classes started, according to an email from Tess Coody-Anders, Vice President of Strategic Communications and Marketing.

In-person classes resume amid Delta variant surge

Students readjust to campus life as ProtecTU guidelines continue
Gloria Farris, News Reporter September 9, 2021

Despite students’ growing anticipation of a “normal” fall semester, the new COVID-19 Delta variant and its transmission among the Bexar County population prompted a change of Trinity University’s...

Opinion: Expanded NFL Playoffs once again put profit over player safety

Opinion: Expanded NFL Playoffs once again put profit over player safety

Extra NFL Playoff Game is detrimental to players
Gail Grady, Sports Reporter January 12, 2021

Opinion: Expanded NFL Playoffs once again put profit over player safety With a nationwide surge in coronavirus cases and growing concerns over the likelihood of injuries, it seems odd that the NFL would...

Coltharp at Convocation in 2017, provided by Trinity University

University holding virtual graduation

Jake Perry November 12, 2020
Virtual commencement will be the second ever
Kelly Lyon's class two weeks ago in Brackenridge Park, collecting algae and Cyanobacteria.  Provided by Kelly Lyons.

Professors adapt to the new normal for spring

Emily Jamieson November 12, 2020
Few courses attempt a return to traditional methods of learning
Photo credit: Rachel Kaufman

Students face less leniency with pass/fail requests

Emily Jamieson October 21, 2020
As the pandemic continues, students are facing more stress with less leeway than spring 2020
Photo credit: Nadia Crawford

Faculty balance work, parenting during pandemic

Benjamin Adams October 14, 2020
Professors face the balancing act of parenting young children while continuing teaching and working at home.
Photo credit: Gracen Hoyle

Finding A Sense Of Normalcy Through Dressing Up

Mai Vo September 23, 2020
In quarantine, the self-expression of clothing has been somewhat lost to the monotony of sweatpants and T-shirts. Without being able to go out, with no one to impress and no reason to get dressed up, I struggled with the reality of quarantine.
Photo credit: Ren Rader

Inner peace in challenging times

Yukiko Yamazaki September 23, 2020
In today's overwhelming climate, sometimes you must prioritize yourself.
The Writing Center’s planning for virtual operations was led by Jennifer Rowe, director of Tutoring Programs and Academic Support and director of the Writing Center. Services include new asynchronous sessions. Photo provided by Jennifer Rowe. Photo credit: Nadia Crawford

Writing Center embraces virtual operations

Benjamin Adams September 23, 2020
New plans take into account issues of Zoom fatigue, student availability, diversity and inclusion.
A staff member disinfects surfaces in Mabee with an electrostatic sprayer. Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Facilities Services sanitizes, cleans campus

Rachel Poovathoor September 18, 2020
Classrooms, common areas, residence halls undergo daily cleaning and sanitization.
Meghan Magill Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Student Conduct Panel, dean’s office issue Health Pledge violation sanctions

Benjamin Adams September 16, 2020
Forty-two reports of violations have been made anonymously and through TUPD, Residential Life.
Jacke Robledo and Chantel Champagne talk while waiting for students to arrive. Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

COVID-19 testing reveals low positivity rate

Jake Perry September 16, 2020
Of 100 students, faculty and staff randomly sampled, zero tests to-date have come back positive.