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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Six teams awarded Stumberg seed round prize

Six teams awarded Stumberg seed round prize

Kathleen Creedon April 24, 2020
Annual entrepreneurship competition continues virtually
Commencement Committee continues to assess situation after announcement is made

Commencement Committee continues to assess situation after announcement is made

Austin Davidson April 16, 2020
Plans set to host ceremony as close to May as possible
Photo provided by Nic Hover

Dreams of going pro: Two seniors are training for the NFL draft despite pandemic

Brian Yancelson April 16, 2020
Tommy Lavine and Nic Hover hope to continue playing at the next level
Professors talk pedagogy amid a pandemic

Professors talk pedagogy amid a pandemic

Kara Killinger April 16, 2020
How labs, tests and music classes are persisting in trying times
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Quarantine doesn’t have to be a divorce sentence

Kayla Padilla April 14, 2020
It's possible to come out of quarantine in a relationship stronger than the one you entered with — it just takes effort.
Canoeing before Campus Closure

Canoeing before Campus Closure

Alejandra Gerlach April 13, 2020
Just as OREC returned from their Spring Break trip, they discovered that the rest of the semester would not be the same
Fall study abroad programs canceled due to safety, logistical concerns

Fall study abroad programs canceled due to safety, logistical concerns

Kendra Derrig April 9, 2020
Over 60 students were planning on studying abroad this fall
Animal Crossing players seek New Horizons

Animal Crossing players seek New Horizons

Kara Killinger April 9, 2020
Students are social distancing — and socializing — with the Nintendo Switch game
Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Kathleen Creedon April 9, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 8.This meeting was the first of two senate finance meetings for University-Sponsored Organization (USO) budget requests. Adviser Jamie Thompson reminded the Senate...

University postpones graduation ceremony, will still give diplomas in May

University postpones graduation ceremony, will still give diplomas in May

Kathleen Creedon April 6, 2020
In-person commencement to be held August 8
Trinity donates personal protective equipment to local medical center

Trinity donates personal protective equipment to local medical center

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020
Masks, coveralls given to local medical center through alumna connection
Emergency fund created to help alleviate student financial stress

Emergency fund created to help alleviate student financial stress

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020
Committee has been reviewing requests on a daily basis