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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Coronavirus slashes study abroad

Coronavirus slashes study abroad

Kara Killinger April 2, 2020
Students trade travel for online class, university cancels summer trips
Previously, on SGA: Zoomin' On

Previously, on SGA: Zoomin’ On

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 1. CLIMATE CHECK Adviser David Tuttle asked if any SGA members had thoughts, questions or concerns regarding the university's decision-making during the...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Recognizing privilege during COVID-19

Natalia Salas March 30, 2020
In light of campus closure, we must remember the marginalized populations that are most at-risk
College can be a safe haven for LGBTQ+ students

College can be a safe haven for LGBTQ+ students

Logan Crews March 26, 2020
Leaving unaccepting home environments to go to university is a life-altering relief.
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Univ. asks students to work remotely, says no students allowed on campus

Kathleen Creedon March 25, 2020
Both on- and off-campus students are now barred from academic buildings and other facilities
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

What to watch, read and listen to while stuck at home

Editorial Board March 25, 2020
Trinity profs and staff provide their reccs for at-home entertainment
Early buzzer sounds as Trinity cancels spring sports

Early buzzer sounds as Trinity cancels spring sports

Brian Yancelson March 23, 2020
Growing coronavirus pandemic cuts Tigers' seasons short
The Trinitonian's gone digital (for now)

The Trinitonian’s gone digital (for now)

Editorial Board March 22, 2020

Welcome to an abbreviated, digital version of the Trinitonian. When we first sat down and discussed what would go into this issue before Spring Break, we imagined it would be a short and sweet back-to-school...

"Functioning remotely": Trinity begins to de-densify campus, asks faculty and staff to work from home if possible

“Functioning remotely”: Trinity begins to de-densify campus, asks faculty and staff to work from home if possible

Kathleen Creedon March 19, 2020
Starting March 19, the university has suspended most on-campus operations
How did Trinity decide who stayed on campus for the rest of the semester?

How did Trinity decide who stayed on campus for the rest of the semester?

Kathleen Creedon March 19, 2020
A Q&A with dean of students David Tuttle explains it all
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

We shouldn’t be expected to be productive in isolation

Kayla Padilla March 19, 2020
Imposing high expectations on students and others affected by quarantine hinders one's ability to rest and recover
University closes gym, athletic facilities for student safety

University closes gym, athletic facilities for student safety

Kathleen Creedon March 16, 2020
After announcement of residence hall closures, Trinity restricts access to athletic facilities