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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

A day in the life of the Diversity and Inclusion office

Maria Zaharatos February 28, 2019
Learn about what it's like working at the Diversity and Inclusion office
Michelle Bartonico works in the marketing office. photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak, staff photographer

A day in the life of the Strategic Communications and Marketing department

Maggie Lupo April 25, 2018

Tucked away in an upper corner of Northrup Hall, Strategic Communications and Marketing is Trinity’s powerhouse of promotion. The university marketing department is involved with almost every aspect...

photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak, staff photographer

A day in the life of the ITS staff

Maggie Lupo April 4, 2018

Every facet of the university depends on members of the Information Technology Services (ITS) department. They are responsible for all hardware and software needs on campus: From equipping classrooms with...

LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd is the assistant director for programming and marketing in the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success. photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

A day in the life of the Career Services staff

Maggie Lupo February 28, 2018

It was a bustle of noise on Friday afternoon in the Career Services office in the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success (CELCS). A stream of people jangled the bell on the door as they entered....

Jeremy Boyce, coordinator of athletic recruitment and student success, helps prospective student-athletes find their place on a Trinity team — and find essentials like financial aid. photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

A day in the life of an admissions counselor

Maggie Lupo February 22, 2018

When you were a senior in high school, chances are you would have given a lot for a peek into the head of a college admissions officer. They are, after all, the enigmatic card-holders to your future life...