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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Greenwashing: The latest trend in fast fashion

Greenwashing: The latest trend in fast fashion

Even when consumers are aware of environmental harm, why do fast fashion retailers continue to grow?
Ameena Khan, Opinion Columnist September 23, 2021

This past August, Chinese ultra-fast fashion retailer SHEIN launched SHEINCares For Animals. Paired with an assortment of cheap T-shirts and tote bags promoting the cause, the campaign pledged to donate...

Photo credit: Julia Weis

Green Goolia’s spring cleaning edition

Julia Weis January 29, 2019

Photo by Julia WeisThe start of the semester is the perfect time to begin your spring cleaning. If you're like me, Green Goolia, you might wonder if cleaning has to mean a million different fancy spray...

Reusables Photo credit: Julia Weis

How to be your best eco-friendly self

Julia Weis September 5, 2018
Part 1: Use those reusables
Photo credit: Alexandra Parris

Live light, consumerism is exhausting

Kara Killinger August 29, 2018

I'm leaving for a semester abroad in Scotland this week, and I can only bring one suitcase full of clothing — no more, no less. I've lived out of a suitcase before but never for this long. As I...