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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Students pose with signs they made to protest the building of a chemical plant in a low-income neighborhood. Photo provided by Danyal Tahseen

Students travel, give back on Tiger Breaks

Maria Zaharatos March 23, 2019
Three spring break trips offered unique service opportunities
Photo credit: Alexandra Parris

Pre-med students explain the path to med school

Kaylie King January 29, 2019
Trinity pre-med program creates both challenges and advantages for students
Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Trinity community marches to honor MLK, Jr.’s legacy of racial justice

Noelle Barrera January 23, 2019
San Antonio's MLK march is the largest in the nation
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

From healthy habits to helping the world: GHI hosts first annual Health Fair

Jolie Francis September 6, 2018
Global Health Initiative brings together multiple Trinity orgs to table about health issues
Global Health Initiative invited Fareed Mahmood Khan, associate professor at the Baylor College of Medicine, to campus to talk about the social justice issues behind treating tropical diseases. photo by Allison Wolff, staff photographer

Global Health Initiative invites professor to talk about tropical diseases

Bobby Watson February 28, 2018

Trinity’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) welcomed Fareed Mahmood Khan, associate professor at the Baylor College of Medicine, to campus to discuss prominent tropical diseases that are classified as neglected...