The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Embracing identity, standing up to hatred

Embracing identity, standing up to hatred

Arianna Siddiqui April 25, 2018

You think that being a Muslim girl living in Texas would pose problems. However for much of my life, it honestly didn’t. I grew up, seemingly like everyone at Trinity, in Houston. Houston is probably...

photo provided by Isaiah Mitchell

Progressive culture at the book fair

Isaiah Mitchell April 11, 2018

Authors with regal gaits, brown sport jackets and foreign souvenirs; friendly faced women with clipboards, petitioning for mandatory sick leave; a scraggly man, with a roach clip dangling from his hoodie...

graphic by Tyler Herron

Letter to the Editor: Describing mental health

Harold Maio April 11, 2018

In response to Noelle Barrera’s April 4 column, “Admirable movement, flawed manifesto.” Three metaphors that are, to me, problematic appeared in the article. First, “According to the Guardian...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Vote: Lessons from East Asia

Gina Tam April 10, 2018

The Trinitonian has recently run a series of columns about the importance of civic engagement. From debating difficult issues with people with whom we disagree, to engaging with local politics, these pieces...

Chiara Pride speaks at SP4 September Teach In. photo by Chloe Sonnier

Talking politics with Pride

Chiara Pride April 8, 2018

I am writing this second addition of “Talking Politics” during Easter break at my grandmother’s house on the northeast side of San Antonio. In this edition, I want to address civic engagement from...

photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

Why I attended the March for our Lives

Emily Bourgeois April 4, 2018

It began like a normal day. I was in seventh grade at the time — 12 years old — and had stayed up the night before studying for a geography exam. The periods came: first, second, third and fourth....

photo provided by Craig Mills

Trinity’s promotion of Parscale is shameful

Craig Mills March 22, 2018

Discover. Grow. Become. Trinity’s tagline is affirming to those who seek a personalized liberal arts experience, a goal of which is to produce civically engaged members in a free society. When its alumni...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Trinity international students “in the mix”

Robert Seese March 22, 2018

We often think of language, culture and nationality as common denominators for friendship and involvement on a university campus. For example, it is common to assume that international students from the...

Chiara Pride

Talking politics at Trinity University

Chiara Pride March 22, 2018

Texans do not like to talk about politics. The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life recently published the 2018 Texas Civic Health Index, which used the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey...

Lutfi Sun

Come, let us be discovered

Lutfi Sun March 21, 2018

“Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of human from clay” (Qur’an, 32:7). It was not from light like the angels, not from fire like the jinn. It was from the cold, lifeless...

photo provided by Clarissa Castaneda

Culture shocked at home

Clarissa Castaneda March 20, 2018

Culture shock is something that’s widely talked about and is to be expected by anyone who goes overseas. You’re going to another country with a different culture — possibly a different language —...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Say yes to the press: Embrace Trinitonian interviews

David Tuttle February 28, 2018

Recently a colleague asked me for pointers on how to talk to the Trinitonian. It's a great question and hints at the trepidation some have when faced with being the subject of an interview. People want...