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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Archaeology interns dive into demographics

Archaeology interns dive into demographics

Gwen Kaliszewski February 6, 2020
Trinity anthropology majors gain research experience at UTSA
Allison Wolff talks auditing, forensics and the FBI

Allison Wolff talks auditing, forensics and the FBI

Cate Coe November 7, 2019
Trinity's first accounting and BAT double major has had a broad range of internship experience
Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Film student’s LA intern experience

Rachel Poovathoor January 24, 2019
Trinity student Jerod Bork discussed his experience taking the semester off to intern at a production company and a trailer house
illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Help wanted: Summer employment opportunities on campus

Amber Adickes April 18, 2018

As the spring semester nears its end and students plan to journey home, some may be realizing they don’t want to leave Trinity after all. For those who wish to stay in sunny San Antonio for a few more...