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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Vote NO on the proposed change to the FL requirement

Vote NO on the proposed change to the FL requirement

The change to the core Foreign Language requirement should not be passed
Jack Maxwell, Opinion Columnist April 11, 2024

On Friday, April 12, Trinity’s faculty will vote on a proposed gutting of the Foreign Language (FL) requirement. Currently, most students must take at least three semesters of a non-English language....

Why does language matter in wellness?

Why does language matter in wellness?

Giovanna Campolo, Special Sections Editor November 9, 2023

As many student health providers work to destigmatize mental, sexual and physical health, it is important to pay attention to specific populations who face extra barriers in health care. Switching to more...

Learning a new language as a reflection of yourself

Mai Vo, Opinion Columnist December 30, 2020

Pianos. Bikes. Mattresses. Cameras. Glasses. These are all inventions that were created with the benefit of language. Language seems so intimate to us and visceral to our life experiences. Indeed, it is...

Lisa Vetyuhova and Brian Holmes pose with a late of blini

Privyet! From the Russian Club

Maria Zaharatos March 20, 2019
Members of the new club talk language, culture, pancakes
Languages Across the Curriculum gains popularity

Languages Across the Curriculum gains popularity

Gabriella Garriga February 15, 2018

Dante Suarez, associate professor of finance and decision sciences, teaches a course titled "Doing Business in Latin America." In this class, students listen to lectures on international business laws,...

Evan Baker starred as one of the archeologists in "The Mysterious Case of the Disappearance of Eloise Fisher," one of the plays in the 24 Hour Play Festival. photo provided by Kerry Madden

Review of 24 Hour Play Festival

Julia Weis February 7, 2018

Six plays. Six directors. Six playwrights. Eighteen actors. Twenty-four hours to put it all together. The 24 Hour Play Festival is a magnificent performance put on each year by  Trinity's theatre department....

Brenda Ramos smiles as she crosses the Metropol Parasol bridge in Sevilla, Spain during Trinity’s first semester-long study abroad program in Spain last fall. photo provided by Katsuo Nishikawa

All the world is your classroom

Bladimir Ruiz January 28, 2018

I am a first-generation college graduate. I grew up in a poor family in Venezuela, and was fortunate enough to have a grandmother who pushed me to continue in school. I went to college, I even went to...

photo by Amani Canada

Exclusively English

Micaela Hoffman September 21, 2017

The German Fulbright scholars who have been with us over the last few weeks had many questions about the American culture. I learned to re-examine things that I had thought of as normal, and to appreciate...