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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Student Inclusion and Belonging (SIB) team members pose with LeeRoy as El Mercado kicks off and National Voter Registration Day winds down.

Double header at the Magic Stones

National Voter Registration Day coincides with Latinx Heritage Month kickoff
Colin Houston, News Editor September 21, 2024

Two major events occurred at the Magic Stones this Tuesday: Trinity University’s National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) event and El Mercado, hosted by Student Inclusion and Belonging (SIB), which kicked...

Latinx heritage marked by Viva Las Americas

Latinx heritage marked by Viva Las Americas

Numerous events planned to celebrate Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month at Trinity
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter September 28, 2023

Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 marks Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month all around the United States. In honor of this, Trinity University is celebrating the tradition in various ways, spearheaded by the Mexico,...

Connecting Communities: Latinx Heritage Month at Trinity

Connecting Communities: Latinx Heritage Month at Trinity

Groups on campus host events in September and October to celebrate Latinx culture
Monica Martinez, News Reporter September 15, 2022

Even with Trinity’s student population being predominantly white (51.5% of the student population identifies as white and 30.6% as Latinx), Latinx culture surrounds the school. Americanization has...

Natalia Trevino Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Multiple orgs organize for Latinx Heritage Month

Jolie Francis October 3, 2019
Poets discuss identity in showcase
Virginia Grise's talk concerned the subjects of medicine and capitalism, and how the two together don't always benefit those it is supposed to

Virginia Grise’s 4-minute master cleanse

Georgie Riggs October 25, 2017

Trinity continued the Latinx Heritage Month celebrations with a reading by playwright, director and performer Virginia Grise on Oct. 12 in the Holt Center. Grise grew up in San Antonio and earned her...