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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Senior Thao Dinh waits to read her script at the LNY dress rehearsal.

AAPI organizations put on a Lunar New Year celebration

Annual event brings returning and new performances from dance to poetry to fashion
Monica Martinez, News Reporter February 23, 2023

The hard work of more than 90 student performers in various Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) student organizations will be realized at Trinity’s annual Lunar New Year celebration on Friday,...

Previously on SGA: Mock Trial funding debate

Previously on SGA: Mock Trial funding debate

The following covers the meeting on Nov. 2.
Alejandra Gerlach, Managing Editor November 3, 2022

It is customary for one of SGA’s two faculty advisors to be present at every senate meeting; Neither advisor was in attendance on Nov. 2. Climate Check: President Danny Nguyen placed a 10-minute...

christianjbrewster.wordpress.com Photo credit: Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh

Lunar New Year nearly relocated before show

Gabriella Garriga November 13, 2019
After months of back-and-forth, event will be held in Laurie Auditorium

Lunar New Year Photo Gallery

Genevieve Humphreys February 20, 2019
Photos from the Lunar New Year event held on February 15, 2019
(left to right) Camden Lemond, Grant Peterson Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Time for a Lunar New Year

Noor Rahman February 14, 2019
Four cultural clubs slated to perform at annual celebration
Photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

Lunar New Year rings in Year of the Dog, attracts off-campus attention

Georgie Riggs February 21, 2018

  The Lunar New Year festivities filled Laurie Auditorium last Friday with a mixture of dance, orchestra and singing, incorporating both modern and traditional elements of Asian cultures to ring...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: ‘F’ is for Funding

Kathleen Creedon January 31, 2018

PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE Amulya Deva, president, presented on parliamentary procedure in the place of Jacob Sanchez, former chief of staff who stepped down from his position. Deva discussed the importance...