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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo from a Sperm and Ova squad advertisement in the October 15, 1982 Trinitonian.

Letter to the editor

Paul Myers, Guest Columnist March 30, 2023

Submitted by Paul Myers, professor of computer science. To the Editor: Every few years a Trinitonian article appears recounting an old Trinity tradition, the Sperm & Ova. This last (March 3)...

Commodifying Women’s History Month

Commodifying Women’s History Month

False, empty promises of female empowerment now available in stores near you
Ava Peinhardt, Opinion Columnist March 23, 2023

Despite its importance, the purpose of Women’s History Month often gets lost in translation by the commodification of themed or limited-edition products that falsely empower women. Modern companies have...

Please, stop telling me to wash my face

Please, stop telling me to wash my face

Companies and the mainstream media need acne-positivity
Rachel Oliver, Opinion Editor March 23, 2023

I got my first pimple in elementary school. My nickname in middle school was pizza face. In high school, I learned to cover up my acne with makeup. I tried everything for my skin: pimple patches, charcoal...

The Laundry Thief: A modern-day Batman

The Laundry Thief: A modern-day Batman

Not the hero we wanted, but maybe the hero we deserve.
Diya Contractor, Copy Editor March 23, 2023

As an eerie feeling crawls up your spine, a force propels your body off your unbelievably uncomfortable twin XL mattress, and you remember you left your laundry in one of the communal machines. Normally,...

Putting a price on happiness: The cost of wellness culture

Putting a price on happiness: The cost of wellness culture

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist March 9, 2023

From juice cleanses and pricey skincare to retreats and diets, wellness culture has transformed the way we view ourselves and our health, and not necessarily for the better. Influencers and companies sell...

Trinity needs to bridge departmental gaps

Trinity needs to bridge departmental gaps

Colin Houston, Opinion Columnist March 9, 2023

This semester I switched my major from computer science to political science, and therefore my classes and the people in them have been very different. That much I expected, and the changes in the conversations...

Music’s undeniable role in social change:

Music’s undeniable role in social change:

San Antonio and Trinity’s SOLI Ensemble push back on the role of music — entertaining, yet thought-provoking
Emma Power, Opinion columnist March 9, 2023

To solve the current divisiveness over seemingly every topic in our country, there needs to be a productive dialogue — one that doesn’t demonize the opposing argument — and I’ve discovered music...

Greener pastures with Chartwells?

Greener pastures with Chartwells?

Call for accountability amid the promise of more sustainable dining
Ava Peinhardt, Opinion Columnist March 2, 2023

When Trinity announced that it would be switching its dining services provider to Chartwells after 50 years with Aramark, I was pleasantly surprised. Our relationship with Aramark was one fostered over...

Guest Column: When the search for controversy overshadows the story being told

Guest Column: When the search for controversy overshadows the story being told

A response to “Upcoming theater production navigates casting controversy”
Sofía Muñoz, Guest Columnist March 2, 2023

By Sofía Muñoz, senior Anthropology major and theater minor and recipient of the Spring 2023 John Donahue Award for Social Justice My name is Sofía, and I just finished playing Nura in, “Could...

We cannot look to pop culture for the realities of black pregnancies.

We cannot look to pop culture for the realities of black pregnancies.

Shivani Selladurai, Opinions Columnist March 2, 2023

When Rihanna redefined maternity fashion at Paris Fashion Week, it wasn’t just a landmark moment in fashion. Her choice to wear revealing clothes during her pregnancy is a statement that encourages non-famous...

Una carta abierta al personal de comedor de Trinity

Una carta abierta al personal de comedor de Trinity

A nuestro querido personal de comedor,
Abby Power, Sports Editor March 2, 2023

Gracias por llamarme “Abby”. Ya sé que suena raro agradecerles por usar mi propio nombre pero toda mi vida, la gente ha fallado llamarme por mi nombre porque me confunda con mi hermana gemela, Emma....

An open letter to the dining services staff

An open letter to the dining services staff

To our beloved Trinity dining staff:
Abby Power, Sports Editor March 2, 2023

Thank you for calling me “Abby.” I know that sounds strange — after all, my name is Abby. Growing up, and still to this day, I don’t hear my name often because I have a twin sister, Emma, for whom...