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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Take action against climate change

Take action against climate change

Editorial Board September 22, 2019

Everyone wants to save the environment. Or at least, everyone who believes our world climate is changing wants to save the environment. We've stopped using straws. We've turned to composting and secondhand...

Reusables Photo credit: Julia Weis

How to be your best eco-friendly self

Julia Weis September 5, 2018
Part 1: Use those reusables
Trinity implements new sorting policy for recyclables

Trinity implements new sorting policy for recyclables

Kendra Derrig January 31, 2018

Campus Planning and Sustainability is in the process of transitioning residence hall recycling bins to a ‘dual stream’ recycling program. Instead of separating paper, cardboard, aluminum and plastic,...