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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


O-Team set up at a booth to help out new students

RAs and Orientation Team (O-Team) greet the Class of 2026

Resident Assistants and O-Team welcome first-years to campus and induct them into Trinity life
Malika Chauhan, Pulse Reporter September 1, 2022

Selected from nearly 11,500 applicants, a Trinity admissions record, the class of 2026 is an extremely diverse, motivated and well-rounded student body. The incoming class of 2026 has officially moved...

Interviewing to be an RA, what's it like?

Interviewing to be an RA, what’s it like?

Current residential assistants share their past interview experiences
Mikayla Mullin, Pulse Reporter April 21, 2021

To be one of the few chosen to be a Resident Assistant (RA) on Trinity’s campus, students have to go through an interview process. Rachel Boaz Toppel, Assistant Director for Residential Education, is...