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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Unidentified men walk away from the lower level of Calvert Hall on the night of November 11th.

Unidentified individuals knock on student doors

The unidentified men were spotted lingering around Calvert Hall knocking on women's doors
Dana Nichols, News Editor December 31, 2020

Just after midnight on Nov. 11, the Residential Life Office received a report that two unidentified men were knocking on the doors of residents' rooms in the area of Calvert Residence Hall, looking for...

Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: New Year, New Senate

Kathleen Creedon January 24, 2018

This issue covers the first meeting of the year, Jan. 22. INDUCTIONS New SGA senators and cabinet members gathered in the Skyline Dining Room for a short induction ceremony. After quick speeches from...