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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


What comes after graduation when you don’t know?

What comes after graduation when you don’t know?

Whether graduating early or catching up from switching majors, you’ll end up OK
Ava Peinhardt, Opinion Editor November 9, 2023

So, what are you doing after you graduate? You’ve heard this once, and you’ll hear it again … and again and again. As a senior, no question seems more daunting to me because the truth is, I don’t...

Sophomore Olive Irons sets up anime paintings for TU Arts Festival

The Fall Art Market is bigger and better than ever

The first Autumn Festival of the Arts has made the annual Fall Art Market one of its biggest events
Lottie Correia, Arts Reporter November 9, 2023

Last Friday, the Trinity Art Collective (TAC) put on a Fall Art Market where student artists sold their wares to students, faculty and staff. This semester’s Fall Art Market was the biggest one yet,...

Traditional Thanksgiving dinner is boring

Traditional Thanksgiving dinner is boring

Jack Maxwell, Opinion Columnist November 9, 2023

Traditional Thanksgiving dinner is kind of boring. That’s not to say it’s bad per se, but as far as celebratory dinners go, roast turkey is nowhere near the best humanity’s collective culinary traditions...

Not all alone: How international students spend breaks break

Not all alone: How international students spend breaks break

International students share their holiday highlights as winter break approaches
Monica Martinez, News Reporter November 9, 2023

With Thanksgiving break around the corner, students can momentarily forget about their studies and spend time with their loved ones before jumping into the chaos of final exams. Once exams finish, the...

Looking to the past to prepare for Halloween

As Halloween approaches, students reminisce about their childhood costumes and memories
Omar Ratrut, Pulse Reporter October 27, 2023

Maliena Carelli, junior psychology major and sports management minor What did you look forward to most as a kid during Halloween? “It was probably dressing up, getting the candy, but then also...

Fear and fascination: How vampires hypnotized pop culture

Fear and fascination: How vampires hypnotized pop culture

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief October 27, 2023

Anyone who’s read my article in last year’s Halloween issue or knows what I’m dressing up as for Halloween this year or has just had a few conversations with me will know that I love “Twilight”...

Lease Agreement poses for their favorite band picture

Homegrown Hits: Three bands you shouldn’t miss

A look into three San Antonio bands in the punk rock scene that offer more than music
Kait Nash, Photographer October 27, 2023

A sense of belonging can be hard to find, especially for college students, but music can help a lot of people find that space where they feel they belong. For Trinity students, exploring the local music...

The basement of Laurie Auditorium is eerie and hard to find.

Don’t go alone: Beware Trinity’s haunted spaces

The histories and mysteries behind the scariest and spookiest corners of campus
Cael Ferland, Pulse Reporter October 27, 2023

Trinity is home to many nooks and crannies for students to study and hang out in, but some of these spaces may come with an unexpected chill down your spine. Students and staff have ghost stories about...

Jinxed: Some of the wildest curses in sports

Jinxed: Some of the wildest curses in sports

From unfortunate timing to a generational jinx, the curses of the sports world know no bounds
Caleb Reed, Sports Editor October 27, 2023

Sitting around the campfire and telling ghost stories is a timeless Halloween tradition. From tales of headless horsemen to spirits that haunt towns, many can spin a story capable of creating chills in...

Black and white and red all over

Black and white and red all over

Dean Zach and Diya Contractor, Copy Editor October 27, 2023

In the darkness, your stomach churns. Acid eats the ground-up remnants of an overpriced omelet, a mishmash of undercooked ingredients amputated and blended and fused to each other, a rearranged corpse...

The best of horror: Dracula chapter VII

The best of horror: Dracula chapter VII

Jack Maxwell, Opinion Columnist October 27, 2023

Every October, I revisit my favorite pieces of horror media to get into the spooky season. A mainstay of my Halloween media consumption for a few years now has been Bram Stoker’s iconic horror novel...

Anxious online identities

Anxious online identities

Juggling fashion trends, social media and identity in our modernized digitized world
Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor October 6, 2023

I have spent countless mornings standing paralyzed in front of my closet, unable to decide what to wear for the day, looking at Pinterest or TikTok to try and get some inspiration. Usually, social media...