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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The academic honor council has continued conducting meetings and hearings over Zoom to address issues of academic dishonesty throughout the semester. Photo credit: Claire Sammons

Academic honor council sees a spike in cases

Gloria Farris October 29, 2020
TLearn’s updated system makes catching instances of cheating easier for professors
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

TLearn sticks around, receives upgrades

Kaylie King November 1, 2018
IT Governance Committee decides not to switch to a new learning management system
photo by Amani Canada

Don’t leave students in the dark with grades

Benjamin Gonzalez January 18, 2018

Although many professors like to remind students that grades are not everything, they remain important to most of us as a benchmark for our success in and comprehension of a course. Additionally, maintaining...

Illustration by Yessenia Lopez, staff illustrator.

Trinity considers TLearn alternatives

Gabriella Garriga November 29, 2017

Trinity’s IT Governance Committee is considering alternatives to TLearn to improve the quality of communication between professors and students. Earlier this year, the committee sent a survey to faculty...