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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Zombies descend on San Antonio

Zombies descend on San Antonio

For one frightful night, a group of the undead gather in downtown San Antonio to walk from Hemisfair to the Alamo
Adison Miser, Arts & Entertainment Reporter October 27, 2022

Last Saturday in downtown San Antonio, passersby might have thought a zombie apocalypse had taken over the city. This migration was none other than the San Antonio Zombie Walk, an annual event that supports...

Enter if you dare

Enter if you dare

Alexandra Uri October 25, 2017

On a dark and stormy night, the Trinitonian staff gathered to write about all things creepy and spooky on Trinity's campus. Outside the newsroom walls, students turned into the walking dead from midterms...