The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Walk this way to some fun activities near Trinity’s campus

If you’re stuck without a mode of transportation, let me begin by saying I am so incredibly sorry. I feel your pain like you can’t even imagine. Being at Trinity without a car is much like placing a baby in a cradle and saying, “Go forth and explore!” The good news is, there’s still this thing people do called walking. I think I’ve mentioned before how much I dislike having to expend energy (especially into recreational walking) but hey, if you’re into that kind of thing like Ben Conway is, then I have a few places you should probably stumble upon (by foot).

The Witte Museum (3801 Broadway St.)

Okay maybe it’s closer to biking or horseback riding distance, but perhaps you’ve got an hour or so to kill. Why not spend it killing calories walking to the Witte Museum? The Witte Museum has an impressive list of past exhibits, but their featured exhibit right now is called “Mummies of the World: The Exhibition” which includes ancient mummies and artifacts more than 6,000 years old. (If you want to learn more about the mummies, check out Paul Cuclis’ article at The museum is open almost all year round, and tickets for general admission are $10, or free if you have your Trinity I.D. Take a group with you and get yourself educated and cultured.

The Kiddie Park (3015 Broadway St.)

You know it, you’ve seen it, you’ve gotten a little creeped out by it. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. I can’t say I’ve even seen a small child in or around that place, which arguably gives it that unsettling abandoned feel I know too well from all those 90s horror films. But fret not, The Kiddie Park is indeed open for business, my children. After Thursday, Sept. 1, the park is open Friday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Take a leisurely stroll over to reconnect with your inner child, or maybe go after hours and get a little weird. Though I don’t condone trespassing.

Now moving on to “the strip”: the St. Mary’s strip, that is, where you can explore the wonders of commerce without all the herpes of Vegas (no promises though).

Brackenridge Park (3700 N. Saint Mary’s St.)

If you’re looking to roast s’mores, go on a train ride, study in the nice weather or even fish in the river (a homeless guy once told me he caught two huge bass “” to believe or not to believe”¦), Brackenridge Park is the place for you. On top of all of that, it’s free of charge and just a stone’s throw away from Trinity.

San Antonio Zoo (3903 N. Saint Mary’s St.)

If you didn’t know that the San Antonio Zoo was in walking distance of Trinity, change that. Admission is cheap (around $12) and cotton candy is always a good idea. Do bring a few friends, because going to the zoo alone is sad.

Hardbodies Ladies Club (2726 N. Saint Mary’s St.)

You mean to tell me that there’s a strip club within walking distance of Trinity University? Why yes, yes there is. Next time you’re bored over the weekend, you truly have no excuse not to walk your butt over to the sexiest strip club (in walking distance). With irresistible dancer names like “Fuego,” “Envy” and my best friend’s personal favorite “Jimmy Steele,” how can you possibly resist? Plus, lap dances are only $20!  Even poor college kids can afford that price every now and then. Now that, my friend, is a “steele” if I ever heard of one.

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  • K

    Krista CampoloNov 12, 2012 at 8:37 pm

    I appreciate your feedback wholeheartedly, though I must ascertain that your comments regarding certain specific matters of my personal life are false and untrue. The writing that I do for the Trinitonian is meant to be informative but also light and humorous. I joke often and use use sarcasm rampantly. I do agree that there could have been a deeper analysis of places to visit within walking distance of Trinity, but I was working with a deadline as well as many other obligations to this campus – for as you probably do not know, I don’t spend my time getting drunk for free at frat parties. Rather, I’m highly involved with multiple different organizations on campus including Student Ambassadors, Alpha Chi Lambda and Loon-E Crew – all three of which I hold leadership positions . As a writer, I can only improve as I continue and I think it’s quite offensive to insist that I no longer write for the Trinitonian merely because my writing style does not suite you. I apologize for your distaste with the article and I hope I can change your perspective of me as a writer in the future.

  • A

    Annon.Nov 9, 2012 at 7:37 pm

    Was this article intended to be a joke? If so, it was published in the wrong section. I agree with “Jane Doe;” this article is just disappointing. Trinity University sits in the heart of America’s 7th largest city. A city with a rich culture that is truly unique. In the Midtown area surrounding Trinity there are countless attractions, and yet Campolo highlighted almost none of them. Walk two feet off Trinity’s Campus and you’re in one of America’s most beautiful historic neighborhoods: Monte Vista. Walking down any one of its streets is an architecture tour! The Botanical Gardens aren’t far either, nor the Peal Brewery and the new Museum Reach of the Riverwalk. You could eat at the Olmos Pharmacy, or catch some live music and have a beer there on a Friday night. You could eat at Taco Taco, which Bon Apetit magazine has named America’s best taco. You could have a handmade croissant at Bistro Bakery on Olmos, or dig through troves of mid-century modern furniture and artifacts at Mod Modern on Broadway, but did Campolo mention any of these places? No. It is truly a shame that so few Trinity students actually experience San Antonio for the great city that it is, but Campolo’s article this week revealed that all she really wants to do is get drunk for free at frat parties. Le sigh.

  • J

    Jane DoeNov 5, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    Why would someone who hates walking and expending energy be chosen to write about attractions within walking distance of Trinity? I mean she herself even notes that Benjamin Conway would have been a better candidate to write this article… so why didn’t he? On top of that, the suggestions she lists won’t really attract students to visit them. I mean the Kiddie Park… really?? Do you expect me to believe Ms. Campolo has ever stepped foot inside of it? And as she even says, the Witte Museum is “closer to biking or horseback riding distance” from Trinity… okay so then why is it on this list? The only attraction here that holds any merit to me is the San Antonio Zoo. That, I could get behind. Brackenridge Park, too. Besides for those, Ms. Campolo’s article really emphasizes how segregated Trinity students are from the San Antonio community. What is even more depressing to me is that Ms. Campolo grew up in San Antonio (at least that’s what her Facebook page says). Is she really so sheltered and stupid that she doesn’t know of any other places to visit around campus besides the five listed ones? Honestly, if I were a prospective student and I read Ms. Campolo’s article I would definitely cross Trinity University off of the list of schools I want to attend. Let me conclude by saying how embarrassed I become whenever I read one of Ms. Campolo’s articles. She thinks she’s really cool and that she has so much advice to give to everybody. Um, not really. Hearing her sputter on about Trinity frat parties and her sex music list (which wasn’t even her idea), really proves to me that The Trinitonian must not have anything better to print. And if she must write for this publication, please make sure she sticks to topics, which she actually is familiar with.

    • T

      ThomasNov 6, 2012 at 10:37 am

      This. The earlier “Campus Prowler” article was the biggest waste of space I’ve ever seen in this publication. Trinitonian: your articles are usually on point, informative, and, at the least, expose the stupidity of students/administration. Let’s keep moving in a positive direction and not let Krista write any more unnecessary personal articles about inconsequential stuff.
