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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Debates require fair conditions to be effective

Illustration by Julia Poage Photo credit: Julia Poage

Last semester in an opinion column about broadening the types of political media people consume, I cited the YouTube series “Change My Mind” by Steven Crowder as an example of someone from the political right who engages with people from opposing viewpoints. The series centers on Crowder as he sets up a table in public places such as college campuses and invites people to debate with him about a strongly-held belief of his, such as “Male Privilege is a Myth” or “There are Only Two Genders.”

At the time, I was trying to demonstrate how someone with passionate political opinions can create content centered on interacting with opposing arguments instead of a purely one-sided demonstration that doesn’t acknowledge any dissent. However, even though Crowder may include people who disagree with him in his videos, the way in which he engages with his impromptu debate opponents is unfair in nature and borders on malicious in intent, ruining any chance of a fruitful exchange of ideas.

The context of Crowder’s show involves an inherent imbalance, seen when he sets up a table featuring a large poster proclaiming his opinion and invites people to sit down and change his mind.

The problem with this format is that Crowder — who has prepared a topic, a table and is followed by a production team with multiple cameras — is far more prepared to engage in debate than the random people passing by. While arguing, he often cites specific data and statistics that seem to support his argument and renders his opponent’s arguments futile.

In the beginning of his “Male Privilege is a Myth” video, Crowder broadly dismisses all of his opponents’ arguments by claiming that “every single point, without fail, was anecdotal.” It is, however, unfair of him to expect college students passing by his table to have prepared, thought-out arguments with sources to debunk his beliefs. By establishing his show in such a way, the debate contains a power imbalance that prevents Crowder’s opponent from having a fair shot.

Crowder also tends to jump on people’s emotional reactions to his provocative statements, shifting the focus from the argument itself to the illegitimacy of his opponent.

In the same male privilege video, one of Crowder’s opponents, named Gregory, calls Crowder’s arguments “bullshit,” causing Crowder to smugly remark, “that’s always a great way to start a civil conversation.” He repeatedly references Gregory’s profanity, asking him why he resorted to such measures in the midst of “such a civil conversation.”

Later, as their debate becomes more heated, Gregory raises his voice, causing Crowder to place his hand on the student’s shoulder and say, “You’re getting very emotional.” By doing so, Crowder belittles his opponent, reducing them to emotional (and therefore irrational) reactionists. This discredits any arguments his opponents use and reinforces the power imbalance of the debate.

I am not focusing on this specific YouTube series in order to discredit Crowder specifically. Rather, I have noticed that there seems to be a growing online culture around the supposed sanctity of the political debate.

Often, conservative political commentators measure their success and truthfulness of their ideas through their ability to debate. Take, for example, the hundreds of videos of commentator Ben Shapiro debating with various people who disagree with him. Often, the videos consist of people arguing with him at Q&A sessions in which he has a crowd of supporters who cheer on his every counterpoint. Other times, Shapiro debates with someone on the news, which seems like a fair fight until the news anchor starts arguing against his opponent as well.

These types of unbalanced settings for discourse only serve to demonize the commentator’s opponent while raising their own opinions as inherently better because the more reasonable and calm person comes out of the debate looking like the one with the “right” opinions.

Last month, progressive political candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez denied Shapiro after he offered to donate 10 thousand dollars to a charity of her choice if she agreed to debate him. In this case, Ocasio-Cortez refused to engage in Shapiro’s unbalanced power dynamics, arguing that the offer of money implied entitlement to a debate with her.

If the arguments of political commentators are strong enough, they should stand on their own in a fair and balanced setting for a debate. They should not need a crowd of supporters vehemently cheering support, nor should they only be effective on strangers who are spontaneously chosen without prior preparation.

In a neutral and balanced setting with two people of equal experience and preparation, debates can develop ideas and challenge opposing views to make them stronger. Without these conditions, however, one person walks away believing they have the better opinions when in reality they’ve only ridiculed and dismissed the humanity of their opponent.

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  • J

    JoelNov 16, 2020 at 2:02 am

    Crowder is very informed and has many statistics on hand. Instead of basing his beliefs on emotion or social media he researches both sides of the argument and only once he has taken in all statistics and facts will he make his decision on what he chooses to believe in. Of course his debates show how incompetent others are and how sad our society is because instead of doing your own research and fact checking most people will follow popular opinion regardless of if they actually know the real statistics and hard facts. I have never been into politics or religion, I actually grew up hating speaking on the subjects 1- I wasn’t informed at all I never took upon myself to inform myself with facts and statistics 2- I always thought it would only breed hatred and arguments from the disagreements I had been privy to made me think that;s how it only would be if someone on opposing sides spoke about a hot button issue.However, growing up with separated parents who disagreed on both political and religious views I knew that regardless of how they seen the world or what they believed to be true in their minds they still pushed it all aside to love me and raise me as thought they were still together. So I grew up with divorced parents but I still had a very strong family to stand behind me and they never pushed their beliefs on they always told me when I grew up I could research and gather all the information I possibly could and only then should I make the decision of what I truly believed in. So why would you think these debates aren’t helpful because most people walking by don’t have a whole debate prepared? In my eyes if you believe something and you have chosen your stance on it then you should 100% know all the facts and most statistics on said belief. If you don’t then honestly you shouldn’t have those beliefs to begin with. Saying I believe this way “just cause’ or “because my friends and most people do” or even “I just don’t like you so I’ll disagree with everything you say just to spite your’ all of these pretty much sum up a lot of arguments laid out before Crowder. So yes of course Crowder prepared but he didn’t prepare for that particular debate or conversation he is only that prepared because instead of making a choice from emotion or misinformation, he’s made his choice from hard facts and statistics and I ask what’s so wrong with that?

  • A

    Airmet the panda chodeSep 3, 2019 at 4:08 pm

    You are actually suggesting that it is only the preparedness of the debater that lends the credibility to any arguments made, and not the merit of merit of pure reasoning? It is unfair for someone to be uninformed and voluntarily participate in a debate and then be shown as uninformed? Much like your Folk idiot Cortez seem to misunderstand the term “entitlement”. For the very act of Shapiro offering something in exchange for a debate is the antithesis of acting entitled. I sincerely hope the Trinitonian is some highschool or junior college rag as an understandable but still not acceptable excuse for your gross incompetence. In lighter news, you may have a fair shot at tenure with CNN in your future.

  • M

    MattAug 8, 2019 at 5:05 pm

    I think that Crowder gains so much attention because he is able to draw in people that are emotional and take advantage of their emotion. Once something is said that isn’t meant to be said, one will automatically lose the debate by losing the crowd. Not only do you have to have the facts but also the ability to be accurate. All of these things are what make Crowder effective in debunking these things. It seems Crowder’s intent is not to have a fair debate but reveal to society that their opinions are usually fueled by emotion and to debunk this emotion with facts.

  • J

    JoelSep 29, 2018 at 5:32 pm

    Except if course the fact that he posts at least a week in advance where he will be setting up shop. How is it his fault that these people are not smart enough to understand he “the man hosting the debate” will school them if not informed? Your article is incorrect and bias.
