Previously, on SGA: Back-to-school woes

The following covers the meeting on Sept. 8

Climate check

Senator Jack Maxwell kicked off the meeting with an inquiry on laundry pricing, to which President Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh said he will be meeting with Bret Biance and will mention the issue.

Senior Senator Gavin Barrera mentioned the issue of language inclusion in admissions materials for prospective students and their families, an issue adviser Jamie Thompson advised senators to speak to Eric Maloof, Vice President for Enrollment Management, about.

Senators later raised the issue of potential financial reparations for students denied City Vista housing after the housing deadline, offering up the idea of Bonus Bucks allocations or meal plan services. President Chapin-Eiserloh said that senators should prepare questions regarding the issue for an upcoming meeting with Sheryl Tynes, vice president for Student Life.

Senator Molly Sharidan brought up the lack of parking available to student athletes, particularly those with morning practices who can only find parking across campus. President Chapin-Eiserloh said he had met with Pete Perez, Assistant Chief with TUPD, about the ongoing issue of student parking after receiving many complaints. He said that City Vista will be opening its parking garage soon, and the new driveway on upper campus will be ready in the near future, each of which aims to relieve parking issues.

Trinity University Latino Association

The Trinity University Latino Association (TULA) requested $2,808.80 to cover the costs of their upcoming Viva Las Americas event, a talent showcase of Latin American cultures. Requested funds would aid in the purchase of food, staging equipment, and outside entertainment. SGA unanimously approved the amount of $2,808.80.

Trinity Gaming

Trinity Gaming, a campus club for esports, requested $14,265.00 for the early development of an esports-designated space on campus. The request included tech hardware such as the gaming PCs, keyboards, mice and headsets used to prepare teams for tournaments. Because of concerns regarding the lack of a designated space on-campus, operational costs and the unspecified security concerns, SGA moved to table voting on the Trinity Gaming request to the next budget session.

Closing remarks

President Chapin-Eiserloh said that applications for first-year senator positions would begin the next week and requested senators’ presence at that week’s Nacho Hour, to be hosted by SGA. Applications close Friday and campaigning runs until Wednesday, Sept. 22.