Previously, on SGA: Mabee mishaps and calculator rentals

The following covers the meeting on Feb. 16


First-year Senator Ella Charbonnet kicked off Climate Check asking if there was any word on vending machines for menstrual products being installed in women’s restrooms. President Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh said that Adviser Demetrius Brown has been working on this possibility but that installation is likely not in the imminent future.

Sophomore Senator Danny Nguyen followed up from last week’s meeting about a student who had complaints with Mabee Dining Hall. This student has a meeting scheduled with Senator Nguyen and Charles Robles, and Senator Ngyuen will give an update next week.

First-year Senator Harrison Tinker began talking about conditions in Mabee, starting with a rumor about a photo that allegedly circulated on Snapchat showing an Aramark employee spitting into someone’s hamburger. He is working on getting details of this situation but wanted to bring it to light. Senator Tinker has also fielded student complaints about food policing at Mabee, such as employees yelling at students for carrying out drinks in disposable cups. According to Senator Tinker, this is an ongoing issue that students often find distressing.

Senator Tinker also brought up an issue involving the POD Markets on campus; over the weekend or other off-hours, the POD at Mabee can run out of certain foods and other essential items while the other two locations remain in stock. He inquired about the possibility of transferring stock between the three markets so students always have access, especially with unforeseen circumstances such as the “frozen days” meaning that only essential operations function on campus.

Moving the conversation to textbooks, Senator Tinker said some classes’ books are on backorder and many students have to work backward to catch up once their materials finally arrive. Adviser Jamie Thompson responded, saying concerns about specific classes can be addressed to Jennifer Henderson, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Senator Tinker then pointed out that the price to buy out a rented book from the Trinity bookstore costs more than the deduction of a rental fee from the original price. President Chapin-Eiserloh said Duane Coltharp, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, works with the bookstore and could be a good point of contact.

Next, Senator Tinker asked if the campus could somehow provide graphing calculators for classes that require them. He suggested a check-out system for specific classes or a renting situation. Adviser Thompson said that the library would be the ideal place to have calculators ready to check out, so President Chapin-Eiserloh is going to reach out to the library about this opportunity.

Senator Tinker then advocated for students in McLean who had scheduled cleanings on the two days when regular operations were canceled but were never rescheduled. This isn’t unique, he said; last semester, there were rooms that had three cleanings missed. Even after emailing facilities, they were unable to get them rescheduled. Senator Nguyen corroborated that students sometimes take toilet paper from restrooms elsewhere on campus when they don’t have anyone restock the supplies in their room. Adviser Thompson recommended that Jim Baker, Senior Director of Facilities Services, would be a good contact even though the cleaners come from an outside group.

Lastly, Senator Tinker suggested that the master plan be updated online and have clarified information regarding its progress through changing administrations. President Chapin-Eiserloh mentioned that a new architect was hired in December, so changes might be on the way. Adviser Thompson reminded SGA that Jim Baker will be speaking at the next meeting and can answer questions about construction. Senator Nguyen asked if the master plan changes with each president, and President Chapin-Eiserloh answered, saying it’s mostly the same minus changes in funding over time.

Finishing the climate check, President Chapin-Eiserloh said he talked to Duane Coltharp about a plan to bridge the gap between professors and students with a report that talks about the price of textbooks they order.

Officer Reports

President Chapin-Eiserloh said that Bruce Bravo, Senior Director of Conferences and Auxiliary Services, has a laundry report that was given to the budget and finance department. After budget analysts review the report regarding laundry services on campus, President Chapin-Eiserloh will update SGA.

There is still no interest in filling the senior senator position.

Finally, President Chapin-Eiserloh brought attention to the SGA Free Food event on Feb. 25 when they will serve cookies and coffee.