Sidewalk Symposium: music edition
Asking the hard questions, like “What are you listening to right now?”
The music scene at Trinity is constantly evolving. Groups like the Acabellas, the Trinitones and Loon-E Crew ensure that the student population is consistently exposed to diverse types of music and dance.
This week, the Trinitonian took to the Coates Student Center to ask students what they’re currently listening to — genre, band or song.

Isabella Kirken, first-year biology major
What are you listening to right now?
“I tend to listen to Italian music because I’m Italian, so I understand the words and everything. Right now, I’m listening to ‘Te Lo Prometto’ by Il Tre.”
Why is this song important to you?
“I like it because not only can I understand the words, and not everyone else can … but it’s really funny because it hits on the spot sometimes. I’ll be feeling down and it’s all like, oh, keep going. You may think about these happy times that you had with somebody, but there’s always more to come, and there’s always more you can be expecting.”

Julie Bondy, fourth-year biology and industrial design double-major
What are you listening to right now?
“Right now I’m listening to K-pop, so recently I’ve been listening to SHINee.”
Do you have a favorite song by them?
“No. I just listen to their really good songs. I like a range of things. I’ve also been listening to BTS, and I also listen to songs from K-dramas.”

Maddie Belvis, sophomore neuroscience major
What are you listening to right now?
“Right now I’m kind of going back and rewinding a little bit. I have been playing Lady Gaga’s ‘Fame’ album on repeat. I also listen to a lot of R&B, so I listen to a lot of Frank Ocean, but other than that, my music taste kind of varies.”
Is there a specific song you’re listening to?
“I also really like Doja Cat, so my top listened-to song right now, if I had to guess, would be ‘Vegas.’”
Any reason you’re listening to “Vegas” in particular?
“You can tell what my mood is based on what music I listen to. So if I convince myself to listen to rap, or something like Doja, where it gets me happy and lively, then I’ll be lively for class.”

Andra Key, sophomore applied physics major
What are you listening to right now?
“I’ve been listening to a lot of Motherfolk, Noah Kahan, Peachpit, Goth Babe, Backseat Lovers, Briston Maroney.”
Is there a specific genre that you’re listening to?
“Yes. It’s a lot of indie, vibey music. Like the ones that have more of a beat.”
Is that what you normally listen to?
“I’ve been trying to really explore my music taste because there was a while where I just didn’t listen to music that much. And so I’ve been trying to seek out artists that I actually enjoy, partially through friends and partially through listening to something that I like and looking at Spotify recommendations. It’s been a lot of that recently. My playlist is just full of that. It’s like a three-hour playlist.”

Sydney Mayhew, sophomore psychology major
What are you listening to right now?
“A lot of Harry Styles because I just saw him in Austin. It’s the third time I’ve seen him in concert, and he is just amazing.”
What’s a specific song by him that you’re listening to?
“Probably ‘Cinema’ and ‘Late Night Talking.’ Those are my favorites. I [also] listen to a lot of classical piano while I study. So always a good one. I’m really into 2010 Hannah Montana, Demi Lovato music.”
Tell me a little bit about Harry and why he’s important to you.
“Well, I was a One Direction girl, and I always liked Harry Styles. And then when he came out with his music, I liked how his first album was a little slower than the pop music in One Direction, and it felt a little more rock-aspect. And then I love how his newer music has a David Bowie, Stevie Wonder, ‘70s mix, ‘80s mix to it, but it’s still very indie-pop music at the same time. So it’s like a collection of all my favorite genres.”

I’m Madison, and I report for the Arts and Entertainment section. I’m from Wichita Falls, Texas, and I’m a sophomore majoring in Communications with...
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