Before beginning the meeting, President Danny Nguyen could not find his gavel to officially call the meeting into session. It was eventually revealed that Judicial Chair Pierce Jackson was hiding the gavel, but eventually gave it to Nguyen to start the meeting.
Junior Senator Ella Charbonnet shared that SGA is partnering with It’s On Us for Purple Week, in which people wear purple to raise awareness for domestic violence. It’s On Us is Trinity’s chapter of the national organization spreading sexual violence awareness. The partnership is working together for next week’s Free Food Friday, where SGA gives out free food from local businesses for an hour.
Additionally, Charbonnet reported that she is getting a replacement key for the menstrual product dispensers located in the Coates Student Center, Coates Library and Dicke Hall bathrooms. SGA volunteers refill the dispensers.
President Nguyen introduced Bravo to SGA as part of the ongoing staff chats. Bravo manages summer conferences, organizes the distinguished lecture series and oversees dining, the bookstore and the print shop.
Bravo announced the distinguished lecture series will be returning in 2024 with Venus Williams on Jan. 31. Williams will be the first distinguished lecture speaker since 2019. James Stavridis, a retired Navy admiral, will be speaking as part of the Maverick Lecture series on Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in Northrup Hall 010.
Vice President Caterina Mora Adrover asked Bravo if there would be more restaurants coming to the Taste of San Antonio. Bravo said there will be but they are struggling to create and cultivate relationships with local businesses.
Sophomore Senator Bocar Diagana said he noticed a lot of Aramark staff did not return with Chartwells. Bravo acknowledged that the staff retention rate was not as high as hoped, even with the comparable wage and benefits offered, and that the process was emotional.
Senior Senator Lucy Orosco Saavedra asked about the bar in the Tiger Den. Bravo said that it is a remnant from the 1990s, and President Nguyen said there will likely never be a bar in the future. Bravo asked Senator Orosco Saavedra if she would like to see a campus bar, to which she replied yes.
President Nguyen announced Project Home, created by Vice President Mora Adrover, Advisor Jamie Thompson and himself. Project Home will provide a fixed amount of money, not yet determined, to registered student organizations, including club sports. The money will have no strings attached, allow increased flexibility and agency to student organizations and simultaneously alleviate the finance committee for marginally small funding requests. There will be an official Project Home funding request next Wednesday, Oct. 11.
Halloween on Oakmont will return this year, its second year as a new campus tradition. The event allows students to trick-or-treat on Oakmont Court on Halloween. Vice President Mora Adrover said President Nguyen will be dressing up as a peacock. President Nguyen clarified that he will not be a peacock; however, he will be wearing a very clever costume.
To increase finance committee transparency, Vice President Mora Adrover is creating monthly budget reports to show SGA members how the budget is distributed because many members do not know of the many small funding requests the finance committee handles.
Finally, President Nguyen spoke on behalf of Assistant Treasurer Avery Kim, announcing there will be another TriniTailgate on Nov. 11 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. There will be food from Smoke Shack BBQ and churros from Honchos. There will be vegetarian options.