The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


photo by Amani Canada

Graduation Column: Explaining four years

Gabriel Levine April 26, 2018

It’s difficult to say anything original about my time at Trinity in under 600 words. There are the fond memories, the formative classes, the enduring friendships and so on. Everyone has these aspects...

illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

Striking a balance between money and ethics

Gabriel Levine April 14, 2018

Trinity prides itself on providing an education that leads students to think critically about the world, themselves and their role in the world. Yet, two years ago when I was a sophomore, I failed to meet...

photo by Amani Canada

Benchmarking progress through culture

Gabriel Levine February 28, 2018

A permanent feature of modern life is technological envy. Due to the rate of technical progress and astute marketing, a new phone or computer only feels new for a few months until a newer, faster model...

Constantine Kouldukis, left, and Gabriel Levine, right, enjoy living the frat life together. photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

Living among the frat boys

Gabriel Levine February 22, 2018

With senior year at Trinity comes the opportunity to live off campus. For most people, this involves either an apartment or a house with one to three other people. I, however, decided to go for the sitcom...

photo by Amani Canada

Personal responsibility can’t fix everything

Gabriel Levine February 21, 2018

Over winter break I met with my conservative middle school debate partner, who I hadn’t seen in four years, to catch up and talk politics. Our conversation was wide-ranging, but one segment in particular...

Don’t be afraid of feelings during casual sex

Don’t be afraid of ‘feelings’ during casual sex

Gabriel Levine February 7, 2018

Last year I had some casual sex. It was a good time, very college. Yet, after my not-so-significant other left, I felt a strange vacancy, a lack of feeling. I went through a mental checklist. Had sex?...

Screenshot of the 2005 video game, F.E.A.R.

Aesthetics of video games

Gabriel Levine February 7, 2018

Last week I wrote about the role of choice in videogames as a storytelling medium. This week I’m going to address videogames as a visual art. For the last two decades, a large focus for major games...

“This War of Mine” screenshot depicting the repercussions of player decisions during gameplay.

Videogames recreate moral realities of modern war

Gabriel Levine January 24, 2018

One of the great values of art, film, photography and literature is that they are our only means, outside of direct experience, of grasping and confronting the reality of war, history and ideology. Videogames...

photo by Amani Canada

Discovering a higher level of religious discourse

Gabriel Levine January 18, 2018

This time last year, I wrote an article in which, among other things, I described my infatuation with New Atheists like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris. In that article, I said, “From...

illustration by Yessenia Lopez

My time among the Deplorables

Gabriel Levine November 30, 2017

“You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic — you name it.” These words, uttered by Hillary...

illustration by Yessenia Lopez

Civil society is true survivalism

Gabriel Levine November 13, 2017

The world feels unstable. Domestically, political and social divisions are at a higher pitch than ever in my living memory and perhaps since the tumultuous years of the 1960s. I've felt a distinct loss...

Counterpoint: DIY or buy? Buy!

Counterpoint: DIY or buy? Buy!

Gabriel Levine October 27, 2017

Halloween is approaching once again, and with it comes the spooky, terrifying dilemma: Should you buy a costume or make your own? For creative types, especially those who own a wide variety of strange...