
Diving into Deadpool with an X-pert

Monica Clifford October 3, 2014

So. It's finally happened. Fox has announced they're going to make a Deadpool movie. Its release date is supposedly February 12, 2016. No other details have been confirmed, although there are rumors about...

The writing voice of a generation speaks at Trinity

Mason Walker October 3, 2014

I'm here to report a scandal on our campus. No, not one related to administration, construction, or even copulation. The scandal is this: Trinity is not doing enough to promote the upcoming appearance...

A non-foodie tackles San Antonio’s trendy tastes

John Mendiola October 3, 2014

I am not a foodie. I admit that right now. To be fair, I don't know very many people who would even call themselves that. I would like to think that college kids"”people who usually do not have a reliable,...

Live How You Want To

John Mendiola September 26, 2014

One of the reasons I chose Trinity was the university's offer of a generous  financial aid package, a situation shared by many others. That said, the people who attend Trinity come from a variety of...

The Wire Wins it All

Monica Clifford September 26, 2014

Dear "The Wire," You are the greatest television series that ever was or ever will be. I'm sorry if that puts a heinous amount of pressure on you, and I understand such a superlative statement invites...

Crime week, part 2: The Onscreen Gangster

Monica Clifford September 26, 2014

In honor of the final season of one of my favorite HBO show, "Boardwalk Empire," this week I decided to write about my favorite portrayals of organized crime onscreen (that is, in television and in movies). First,...

The Sopranos Stands on Top

Mason Walker September 26, 2014

Dear "The Sopranos," We'll start with this: what makes you great, my beloved, is that you meet the criteria that make any work of art great: you tell your story ingeniously, and you explore your themes...

Finding beauty and truth in the Bachelor

Monica Clifford September 21, 2014

Yes, I watch the show. Yes, I started doing so ironically and now...the lines are blurred. What is "The Bachelor"? Even if you've never seen it, you probably know the premise: one man, twenty-some...

Gaming your way through the rest of the year

John Mendiola September 21, 2014

Temperatures and leaves aren't the only things dropping this fall.. Smaller downloadable games come out all year, but the major AAA games are still stacked in September, October and November. Tons of games...


Mason Walker September 21, 2014

Autumn is nearly upon us, but you wouldn't know it here in Texas. Still, even if the blazing sun and non-changing trees and nom-nomming mosquitoes keep us from experiencing autumn with our bodies, we can...

The shopper’s guide to the galaxy, pt. 2: Thrifting in style

Monica Clifford September 19, 2014

Thrifting with friends is one of my absolute favorite activities. I try to go as often as possible, which with my busy schedule is only once every few weekends. Still, if I could, I'd go just about every...

One Phone, Two Companies and A Dozen Watches

John Mendiola September 19, 2014

I am writing this as I watch "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey." The amount of time that humans have been in this universe of ours is staggeringly small. If you imagine a calendar where January 1 represents...

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