
The consumer’s right we can’t seem to remember

Mason Walker September 19, 2014

(NOTE: This article contains spoilers about a show that ended almost a decade ago. If you've been living under a rock for the past 10 years, approach with caution.) As a lifelong pop culture junkie, l...

Trends and truths at New York Fashion Week

Trends and truths at New York Fashion Week

Sofia Villarreal September 19, 2014

Last week, I attended New York Fashion Week (NYFW) as a Trend Reporter for, and it was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Along with checking out the divine spring/summer collections...

Pop culture classics with Monica: The webslinger edition

Monica Clifford September 5, 2014

The "Spider-Man Blue" series is among my favorite Spider-Man comic books. If you fancy yourself a fan of the webhead, this is one book you'll want to check out. Even if you don't, or if you're a casual...

Marvel’s many marvels: An update on comic book cinema

John Mendiola September 5, 2014

Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga. The trailer to the new "Guardians of the Galaxy" movie came out and when I heard Blue Swede's chanting, I was instantly hooked on a feeling: I needed to watch...

Young adult film adaptations and the perils of “dust-free” art

Mason Walker September 5, 2014

There were countless indications that the film adaptation of "The Giver" would be a letdown: the constant production delays, the dumping-ground release date; the casting of Taylor Swift. I regret to...

The shopper’s guide to the galaxy, part 1: Mastering the mall

Sofia Villarreal September 5, 2014

(Note from the editor: As the title suggests, this article is the first in an A&E series about how  to shop smartly, cheaply, and, yes, stylishly. This week, our brilliant Sofia Villareal introduces...

A&E Roundtable–Best of Summer

Mason Walker August 29, 2014

Sofia Villareal "Ultraviolence" (Album) Lana Del Rey's album "Ultraviolence" doesn't exactly summon feelings of excitement or joy, but, then again, not many of her songs do. However, it is fun to...

Emmys and Eisners: An awards show summary

Monica Clifford August 29, 2014

The Eisners are the annual comic awards. Basically, they're the Oscars for comics. Every year, the winners are announced at the San Diego Comic Convention at the end of Juy. Best Humor Publication: "Vader's...

Thinking about our troubled summer and our wonderful culture

John Mendiola August 29, 2014

When I started writing this article, I was writing about a crazy nuclear test theory related to "SpongeBob Squarepants," which discussed the true meaning of Patrick Star's life under a rock. I had this...


Mason Walker August 29, 2014

The Renaissance writer Erasmus once summed up his life philosophy as follows: "When I get a little money, I buy books. If any is left, I buy food and clothes." It is, I think, an honorable sentiment....

Sofia Villareal Second Outfit. Photo taken by Sarah Thorne

Ladies, don’t sweat it: five easy tips for classroom fashion

Sofia Villarreal August 29, 2014

If you come from a school where uniforms were mandatory, or if you just like buying clothes"”get excited. Revel in the freedom of college, where you are free to have fun with your wardrobe, express...

Hey, y’all: Two non-Texans discuss this strange state

Monica Clifford August 21, 2014

Monica:    Hey, y'all! Welcome to Texas, gals and guys. Many of you were born and raised here, while others hail from all sorts of exotic locales. This article is mostly for those of you who are generally...

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