The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Bye, bye, Bernie. It’s Biden’s time

Ben Falcon April 22, 2020

Illustration by Andrea NebhutWe are all ridin’ with Biden now. Last week, former Vice President Joe Biden took up the mantle of leadership for the Democratic Party after Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

The center can hold, only by living to fight another day

Ben Falcon February 27, 2020
In a previous column, I said, “The last thing we should do is stop being the Democratic party and become Bernie’s Democratic Socialist party.” I believe my warning may have come too late.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Argument defines democracy

Benjamin Adams February 6, 2020
A response to Ben Falcon's "Why we should beware the 'Bern'."
Why we should beware of the “Bern”

Why we should beware of the “Bern”

Ben Falcon January 30, 2020
Sanders embodies a leftist version of the many things that I view to be most problematic with Trump
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

How many Democratic candidates does it take to be president? Not 20.

Ben Falcon September 5, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutIn light of the recent stampede of Democratic presidential candidates dropping out of the race, one would hope that the field has finally been whittled down to the crème...

photo by Amani Canada

Liberal alumni have no right to overreact

Manfred Wendt April 25, 2018

"Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view." William F. Buckley wrote this famous statement...

graphic by Tyler Herron

From the Editors’ Desk: Stand up for your rights

Editorial Staff March 22, 2018

The freedom of expression, guaranteed by the First Amendment, is one of the core principles of this nation. About one year ago, the Washington Post changed its slogan to “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”...

Illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

T-Prog brings Bernie Sanders to Trinity

Jordan Bruce March 1, 2018

By Jordan Bruce and Kathleen Creedon The Trinity Progressives (T-Prog), in conjunction with Our Revolution Texas, are bringing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to campus to speak with students on Friday,...