The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Guest columnist Ethan Crane

Guest Column: A chance to rescue our future

Ethan Crane is a senior philosophy major and economics minor and the outgoing outreach chair for Eco Allies.
Ethan Crane, Guest Columnist May 5, 2022

Last week, our student body’s representative government officially called on Trinity to divest its endowment from fossil fuels. The Student Government Association (SGA) resolution to divest is a historic...

Eco Allies presents divestment resolution to Student Government Association

Eco Allies presents divestment resolution to Student Government Association

Latest climate change report urges the world to reduce fossil fuel emissions
Ivanna Bass Caldera, News Reporter April 28, 2022

On April 4, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third installment of their Sixth Assessment Report, which focused on how to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The report...

Ecoallies club, general meeting on waste management

Eco Allies introduces new subcommittees to address specific goals

Eco Habits, Eco Rights and Divest Trinity subcommittees focus on more narrow environmental issues
Lauren Roddis, News Reporter March 31, 2022

Eco Allies, Trinity’s environmentalist club, recently updated its constitution. The main change involves the introduction of subcommittees which will allow students to focus on more specific environmental...

Option 1

A look into Eco Allies

The club aims to further improve Trinity’s sustainability efforts
Emma Utzinger, News Reporter November 18, 2021

The TU Eco Allies are an active club in the Trinity community committed to starting sustainability initiatives and raising awareness for environmental justice. The officers of the club are dedicated to...

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Photo credit: Julia Weis

Trinity students and faculty raise awareness for SA Climate Ready Plan

Noelle Barrera February 21, 2019
San Antonio hopes to become carbon neutral by 2050; members of the Trinity community want to help
Residential Life to launch Dont Trash Trinity program

Residential Life to launch “Don’t Trash Trinity” program

Kaylie King September 17, 2018
Anti-litter program spearheaded by new ResLife director, Deb Tyson
illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Earth week promotes sustainability and fun

Gabriella Garriga April 25, 2018

Trinity's Stand Band blared their horns to help attract students and professors to the Earth Week Festival last Friday. Once they arrived, Eco Allies members taught professors and students how to recycle,...

According to an Einstein’s Bros. bagels employee, require employees to throw out their bagels after four hours due to them becoming stale. Although there is much food waster on campus, dining services is trying to become more sustainable. photo by Jordan Bruce, webmaster

TU aims to limit food waste, including the 4.23 tons of trash that Mabee creates weekly

Bobby Watson April 24, 2018

According to Sharon Curry, sustainability coordinator, Mabee alone produces about 4.23 tons of trash weekly, and much of that is food waste. In the process of providing multiple food vendors and an open...

Illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

How does Trinity conserve water?

Noelle Barrera February 25, 2018

Most people know a few actions they can personally take to help the environment, whether it's avoiding disposable plastic bottles or taking short showers. But what efforts are the Trinity and San Antonio...

Trinity implements new sorting policy for recyclables

Trinity implements new sorting policy for recyclables

Kendra Derrig January 31, 2018

Campus Planning and Sustainability is in the process of transitioning residence hall recycling bins to a ‘dual stream’ recycling program. Instead of separating paper, cardboard, aluminum and plastic,...

Illustration by Andrea Nebhut

Trinity participates in Campus Sustainabilty Month

Gabriella Garriga October 24, 2017

This October, Trinity celebrated national Campus Sustainability Month. The university, like others across the nation, worked to raise awareness of environmental issues throughout the month, specifically...

graphic by Andrea Nebhut

Trinity community works towards a more sustainable campus

Kaylie King August 29, 2017

Several groups and organizations at Trinity have been implementing policies that make campus life more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Sustainability on campus is an ongoing process, and many...