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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


It’s time: SGA must be more transparent

It’s time: SGA must be more transparent

Mental Wellness Initiative demonstrates the need for more transparency from SGA
Jack Maxwell, Opinion Columnist September 15, 2023

Disclaimer The Student Activity Fee (discussed in the article) has an unclear value. SGA’s page and the 2022 Funding Report say $150, but the Trinity Fee Schedule says $162. I have chosen to use...

Previously, on SGA: The legend of the 2.5 hour meeting

Previously, on SGA: The legend of the 2.5 hour meeting

The following covers the meeting on Feb. 8
Alejandra Gerlach, Managing Editor February 9, 2023

Prior to climate check, President Danny Nguyen informed the Senate that if three senators were to leave the meeting early, the senate would lose quorum. This means they would be able to continue to hear...

Previously on SGA: Mock Trial funding debate

Previously on SGA: Mock Trial funding debate

The following covers the meeting on Nov. 2.
Alejandra Gerlach, Managing Editor November 3, 2022

It is customary for one of SGA’s two faculty advisors to be present at every senate meeting; Neither advisor was in attendance on Nov. 2. Climate Check: President Danny Nguyen placed a 10-minute...

Previously, on SGA: Vending Machines, TigerThon and Res Life

Previously, on SGA: Vending Machines, TigerThon and Res Life

The following covers the meeting on Oct. 12.
Alejandra Gerlach, Managing Editor October 13, 2022

Climate Check: Legislative Relations Chair (LRC) Dario Leal opened climate check with an inquiry as to who he should contact after losing $12 to a vending machine in the Center for Sciences and Innovation...

CARES funding distributed to students over summer

CARES funding distributed to students over summer

Rachel Poovathoor August 27, 2020
Trinity accepted $1.6 million in HEERF funds in May, 50% of which are legally required to go to students.
SPB announces spring concert after fall cancellation

SPB announces spring concert after fall cancellation

Kathleen Creedon February 20, 2020
Group still has $55,000 to work with despite no-show of Fetty Wap, won’t reveal performer until Spotlight event
Previously, on SGA: First of the Year

Previously, on SGA: First of the Year

Kathleen Creedon January 22, 2020

This covers the meeting on January 15.CLIMATE CHECKJunior senator Leopoldo Perez said he had heard multiple complaints about the ongoing repair of south campus piping, which he said blocks the path to...

News Brief: YCT funding

Gabriella Garriga November 6, 2019

On Oct. 2, the Student Government Association (SGA) decided not to fund the request of Trinity’s chapter of the Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT). Articles published by conservative publications...

Beta's fundraise for victims of domestic violence

Beta’s fundraise for victims of domestic violence

Maria Zaharatos November 8, 2018
Chi Beta Epsilon and the Trinity community honor the memory of Cayley Mandadi at vigil
Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: The Long and Winding Meeting

Kathleen Creedon April 26, 2018

This covers the meeting on April 23. CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Junior senator Julia Shults, member of the committee created to find a new First-Year Experience coordinator, asked SGA members to reach out...

Daniela Montufar Soria is a junior international student from Mexico. In her role as a Student Government Association senator, Montufar Soria has promoted discussion about helping international students' aid become more secure, despite crises in their homelands. Photo by Henry Pratt, photo editor

International students speak out about feeling insecure without financial help

Bobby Watson April 18, 2018

Trinity University has 141 international students from 42 different countries. This variety of backgrounds contributes to the global community at Trinity, though international students can sometimes be...

Senior Cristian Vargas is one of the McNair scholars on campus. He describes the program as one of the most influential aspects of his time at Trinity. photo by Chloe Sonnier

Trinity McNair Scholars react to Trump’s budget proposal

Kaylie King October 10, 2017

Earlier this year, Trump's proposed education budget called for a decrease in spending for several programs, among them the McNair Scholars Program. The McNair Scholars Program is targeted towards students...