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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Illustration by Yessenia Lopez.

Trinity “department of sociology” caught in mix up

Kendra Derrig November 29, 2017

For a few hours on Nov. 16, rumors swirled around that Trinity’s department of sociology and anthropology had endorsed the Campus Anti-fascist Network (CAN). CAN is a multi-campus organization of left-wing...

Left to right: Senior Claire Steinman, and juniors Emmanuella Odugwa and Enrique Garcia listen as Wendy Rigby speaks about her 25-year- long career as a biomedical journalist. Rigby has worked for KENS-TV and Texas Public Radio, and now she works with Texas BioMed. Her lecture was hosted by the Trinity Chemistry Club and the department of communication. Photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

Wendy Rigby talks about research journalism

Kendra Derrig November 16, 2017

Wendy Rigby, biomedical reporter and alumna, addressed approximately 15 Trinity students "” most of whom were members of the Chemistry Club "” on Wednesday evening. Rigby focused on how to communicate...

Sophomores Ian Dill, left, and Ansh Khullar, right, have been debating since their first year at Trinity. Photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak, staff photographer

Trinity debaters on track for national tournament

Kendra Derrig November 15, 2017

Last weekend, Trinity's policy debate team made its second showing in the elimination rounds of national tournaments this season. Of 133 entries, sophomores Ian Dill and Ansh Khullar nabbed the No. 22...

The honey is taken from the frames of the hives and processed through an extractor. photo by Chloe Sonnier, staff photographer

Show me the money, honey

Kendra Derrig November 15, 2017

The Trinity Bee Alliance gathered on the roof of the Center for Science and Innovation for their annual honey harvest. The group collected 80 small jars of honey that they will start to sell on Nov. 16. The...

Many South Hall residents found their living spaces to be uninhabitable, due to both the smell of the leak, as well as the sewage that came through the pipes in some instances. Photo provided by Dinda Lehrmann

Down South, residents are in deep shit

Kendra Derrig November 9, 2017

For weeks, a foul smell interrupted the lives of South Hall residents. On Oct. 31, Facilities Services had identified the source of the strong odor. A pipe had broken, and sewage had been leaking beneath...

A panel of faculty gathered to help students feel more comfortable with failing and to help them see it as a stepping stone rather than as a setback. Photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

Trinity faculty talks failure

Kendra Derrig November 8, 2017

A panel of five members of Trinity’s faculty from various departments shared their stories of failure in their lives to a group of approximately 30 students. The panel was organized by the Student Success...

Graphic by Tyler Herron

Computer science struggles with increased enrollment

Kendra Derrig November 7, 2017

Just five days before registration for the spring semester, the schedule for computer science courses was finalized. Prior to the near last-minute update, a series of emails to majors and faculty members...

Ted Koppel, a broadcast journalist and the founder of ABC’s “Nightline,” spoke in Laurie Auditorium of the importance of truth and fact-checking in news and of the current political climate in media. photo by Amani Canada

Ted Koppel emphasizes the importance of objective journalism

Kendra Derrig November 2, 2017

Journalist Ted Koppel boasts an impressive career, covering conflicts from Southeast Asia to the hostage crisis in Iran. Founder of "Nightline," Koppel anchored and managed the revolutionary nightly...

Allison Roman has accepted the position of director for diversity and inclusion and will start at Trinity on Jan. 2, 2018.  photo by Chloe Sonnier

University’s first director for diversity and inclusion appointed

Kendra Derrig October 31, 2017

Allison Roman was recently selected by a committee of Trinity University faculty, staff and students to fill the newly created position of the director for diversity and inclusion (DDI). Roman will start...

Scott Cantrell, classical music critic, spoke about the importance of arts criticism. photo by Chloe Sonnier

Dallas music critic warns of art criticism’s bleak future

Kendra Derrig October 24, 2017

Music critic Scott Cantrell visited the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall earlier this month to deliver his lecture, "The State of Arts Criticism in America," to an audience of about 50. In the Oct. 10 event,...

Megan Smith, a Trinity alumna, spoke about her experiences as an openly gay woman in the workplace. Photo by Amani Canada

PRIDE hosts San Antonio activists

Kendra Derrig October 24, 2017

Two local political activists were on campus Oct. 10 and 11 to speak as part of Trinity University PRIDE's speaker series, "Taking PRIDE: Community Activists and Outreach." Megan Smith, an entrepreneur,...