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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University



Maverick lecturer talks politics, impeachment

Gabriella Garriga November 21, 2019
PBS NewsHour anchor discusses need for journalism in current climate
christianjbrewster.wordpress.com Photo credit: Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh

Lunar New Year nearly relocated before show

Gabriella Garriga November 13, 2019
After months of back-and-forth, event will be held in Laurie Auditorium
Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Renowned architect honors late artist with new project

Jolie Francis January 30, 2019
David Adjaye discusses Ruby City at Laurie
photo provided by Kenneth Kusima

In the Spotlight: Kenneth Kusima

Amber Adickes April 11, 2018

Students shuffled into Laurie Auditorium and took their seats, anticipating the start of the show’s events. Curtains opened to reveal the talents of gifted performers. Spotlight — Trinity’s annual...

Illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

T-Prog brings Bernie Sanders to Trinity

Jordan Bruce March 1, 2018

By Jordan Bruce and Kathleen Creedon The Trinity Progressives (T-Prog), in conjunction with Our Revolution Texas, are bringing Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to campus to speak with students on Friday,...

Photo by Amani Canada, photo editor

Lunar New Year rings in Year of the Dog, attracts off-campus attention

Georgie Riggs February 21, 2018

  The Lunar New Year festivities filled Laurie Auditorium last Friday with a mixture of dance, orchestra and singing, incorporating both modern and traditional elements of Asian cultures to ring...

photo by Chloe Sonnier. staff photographer

Accessibility spotlight: Mobility on campus

Cathy Terrace February 1, 2018

Since its installation in the summer of 2014, the Murchison elevator has been critical in helping students access upper campus. However, the elevator breaks down frequently, making it hard for students...

Ted Koppel, a broadcast journalist and the founder of ABC’s “Nightline,” spoke in Laurie Auditorium of the importance of truth and fact-checking in news and of the current political climate in media. photo by Amani Canada

Ted Koppel emphasizes the importance of objective journalism

Kendra Derrig November 2, 2017

Journalist Ted Koppel boasts an impressive career, covering conflicts from Southeast Asia to the hostage crisis in Iran. Founder of "Nightline," Koppel anchored and managed the revolutionary nightly...