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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Connecting Communities: Latinx Heritage Month at Trinity

Connecting Communities: Latinx Heritage Month at Trinity

Groups on campus host events in September and October to celebrate Latinx culture
Monica Martinez, News Reporter September 15, 2022

Even with Trinity’s student population being predominantly white (51.5% of the student population identifies as white and 30.6% as Latinx), Latinx culture surrounds the school. Americanization has...

The health center at Trinity University housing the COVID-19 unit.

When a pandemic transitions to endemic

Over time COVID protocols have changed with student perspectives
Abby Power, News reporter September 15, 2022

As COVID-19 slowly evolves into an endemic virus, the current San Antonio risk level is high, according to the San Antonio Government COVID-19 webpage. Of the 407 new cases identified in Bexar County from...

Monkeypox (MPV) reaches Alamo City: What do students need to know?

Monkeypox (MPV) reaches Alamo City: What do students need to know?

How TU health services is prepared for another global health emergency
Abby Power, News Reporter September 1, 2022

Over the summer, monkeypox virus (MPV), which had been a rare virus limited to endemic countries in Africa, spread to over 92 countries with no historic cases. A total of 99 countries have reported a case...

Trinity gains new momentum: Vanessa Beasley arrives

Trinity gains new momentum: Vanessa Beasley arrives

Trinity’s 20th president’s first steps on campus come with other historic firsts
Logan Crews, Editor-in-Chief September 1, 2022

Before she had ever dreamed of being the president of Trinity University, Vanessa Beasley stood in front of Vanderbilt University’s first-year housing with two suitcases in hand. She had just driven...

Illustration of the Tigers for Ethical Dining logo

A tiger can change its stripes: Tigers Against Aramark rebrands to Tigers For Ethical Dining

Tigers for Ethical Dining advocate for positive change in the dining experience
Monica Martinez, News Reporter September 1, 2022

Student organization Tigers Against Aramark (TAA) rebranded to Tigers For Ethical Dining (TFED) in July 2022 as they communicated with Trinity administration during the Request for Proposal (RFP) process....

Alumni Weekend Balloon Arch

Alumni weekend causes controversy after attendees seen indoors without masks

Pictures circulated showing attendees without masks, sparking student frustration
Caitlin Huisman, News Reporter November 11, 2021

Trinity University’s Alumni Weekend is an annual event that invites Trinity University alumni back to campus to reunite with their classmates and participate in weekend festivities. However, the 2021...

TUPD Assistant Chief arrested for allegedly soliciting prostitution

TUPD Assistant Chief arrested for allegedly soliciting prostitution

Pete Perez was arrested at 5 p.m. on Thursday by the San Antonio Police Department
Dana Nichols, Editor-in-Chief September 17, 2021

Pete Perez, Assistant Chief of the Trinity University Police Department, was arrested at 5 p.m. on Thursday by the San Antonio Police Department for allegedly soliciting prostitution. Upon his arrest,...

Photo by Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh. in 2019

Faculty, staff avoid health pledge violations

Sarah Fisher November 12, 2020
University employees face same repercussions as students, but fewer have broken policies
Previously, on SGA: Cause for Alarm in Calvert Hall

Previously, on SGA: Cause for Alarm in Calvert Hall

Kayla Padilla November 12, 2020

This covers the meeting on Nov. 11.CLIMATE CHECKJudicial Chair Mia Quintanilla expressed concern over a recent COVID-19 test she had. According to Judicial Chair Quintanilla, her swab for the test was...

Photo credit: Gracen Hoyle

Morning/night routine for unplugging

Yukiko Yamazaki November 4, 2020

illustration by Gracen HoyleOne of the things I miss most about living on campus is spending most of my time in proximity to others. Having a roommate and suitemates, the ritual of getting ready in the...

Photo credit: Danielle Rodriguez

Nerve Center monitors COVID-19 threshold indicators

Dana Nichols October 14, 2020
Students may see mass testing or an increase in surveillance testing following Fall recess.
UIW Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Responses to COVID-19 vary among San Antonio schools

Neha Kumar September 30, 2020
Comparing the health and safety measures taken at Incarnate Word, St. Mary’s and Trinity.