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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Ren Rader

Friends are key to coping with homesickness

Nina Loya September 28, 2019
homesick (adj.): longing for home and family while absent from them
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Have award shows gotten better or worse?

Austin Davidson September 18, 2019
Opinion: The Oscars are still struggling
Be yourself through your fashion

Be yourself through your fashion

Editorial Board September 12, 2019

Fashion is a lot like the opinion pages of a newspaper. It's a way to express oneself, it's a commentary on the times, and eventually, it becomes a historical record of people's preferences. When you look...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Live like a Sim: Lessons from a sandbox game

Nina Loya September 11, 2019
Who knew spending your days playing a video game could be so informative?
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

What is Love? Trinity, Don’t Hurt Me No More

Victoria Stringer September 10, 2019
I have spent a great deal of my time at Trinity believing to my core that I was not intelligent enough to even attend college
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

“IT Chapter 2” pales in comparison to the original

Austin Davidson September 9, 2019
Opinion: It isn't even a comparison; it's bad film-making
Photo credit: Ren Rader

Signing, packing and making the most

Natalia Salas September 5, 2019

Illustration by Ren Rader, guest contributorHello from abroad, Trinity! This semester, I’ll be writing in from London, as I’ve decided to join about 40 percent of students (according to an...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Is “Star Wars” lost to the dark side?

Austin Davidson August 29, 2019
Opinion: A fan-boy thinks of the future of his passion
Former sports editor admits he doesn't actually know that much about sports

Former sports editor admits he doesn’t actually know that much about sports

Austin Davidson August 22, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderLast week I watched a show where the main idea was to give the viewer a basic understanding of the game of cricket. The other part of the show was dedicated to showing how dominant...

What I saw this summer

Austin Davidson August 22, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutOver the summer, I made up for all the movies I didn’t see during the fall and spring semesters of my junior year and watched them all in a span of roughly six weeks....

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Con amor si voy a vivir

Kayla Padilla May 2, 2019
Translation: With love I will live
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Defend women for the right reasons

Natalia Salas May 2, 2019
Why the argument that victims could be your "sister, mom or girlfriend" hurts more than helps