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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Rejecting conservatism in Christ

Rejecting conservatism in Christ

Elise Hester April 14, 2018

Respected Friends, Colossians 2:8 instructs us to “be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty and deceptive philosophy, according to human tradition, according to the elementary...

photo by Henry Pratt

The responsibility of tolerance

Dulce Davis April 11, 2018

Last May, I experienced a major life change. As exciting as this life change has been for me, it has proven tricky to share with my friends and loved ones. When I converted to Christianity by asking Jesus...

illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

Fantasy baseball: It’s more than a game

Saul Malek April 11, 2018

You call yourself a baseball fan, but do you really know what WOBA is? No? That’s OK. How about VORP? Didn’t think so. The average baseball fan probably isn’t spending much time mulling over advanced...

photo provided by Katsuo Nishikawa

Visiting the developing world: Learn first, then act

Benjamin Gonzalez April 11, 2018

As I boarded the plane for Managua, Nicaragua this spring break, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the upcoming trip. As part of a course called International Issues in Health and the Environment, I...

photo provided by Isaiah Mitchell

Progressive culture at the book fair

Isaiah Mitchell April 11, 2018

Authors with regal gaits, brown sport jackets and foreign souvenirs; friendly faced women with clipboards, petitioning for mandatory sick leave; a scraggly man, with a roach clip dangling from his hoodie...

graphic by Tyler Herron

Letter to the Editor: Describing mental health

Harold Maio April 11, 2018

In response to Noelle Barrera’s April 4 column, “Admirable movement, flawed manifesto.” Three metaphors that are, to me, problematic appeared in the article. First, “According to the Guardian...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Vote: Lessons from East Asia

Gina Tam April 10, 2018

The Trinitonian has recently run a series of columns about the importance of civic engagement. From debating difficult issues with people with whom we disagree, to engaging with local politics, these pieces...

illustration by Liz Day, graphics editor

Point-Counterpoint: Two takes on the Second Amendment

Jordan Bruce April 9, 2018

“The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” — so states the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, which allows citizens to possess firearms, has played a vital role...

Chiara Pride speaks at SP4 September Teach In. photo by Chloe Sonnier

Talking politics with Pride

Chiara Pride April 8, 2018

I am writing this second addition of “Talking Politics” during Easter break at my grandmother’s house on the northeast side of San Antonio. In this edition, I want to address civic engagement from...

photo by Amani Canada

Why I do what I do

Manfred Wendt April 4, 2018

Every conference I have ever been to has told me not to do this. “No one wants to read about why you are conservative or why you chose to put yourself out into the college community. They want to see...

photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

March for our lives: Admirable movement, flawed manifesto

Noelle Barrera April 4, 2018

On Saturday, March 24, I participated in March For Our Lives along with members of Trinity Progressives and other members of the Trinity community. MFOL was pioneered by Parkland students activists such...

graphic by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

That monster, stress

Theresa Ho April 4, 2018

“Are you going to take a nap?” my boyfriend asked. “No,” I said. But I didn’t open my eyes. “You look like you’re going to take a nap,” he said patiently. “You’re wrapped up...