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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Campus crust level check

Campus crust level check

Logan Crews, Editor-in-Chief April 20, 2023

Anna Rudegeair is a TikTok user known for her signature “crust level check” videos. In each one, she implores people to stop scrolling and walk through a checklist with her to reveal their current...

Away with the shame and guilt: I’m taking a study break

Away with the shame and guilt: I’m taking a study break

The semesterly plague of throwing self-care out the window needs to be rethought in this increasingly challenging world.
Emma Power, Opinion Columnist January 26, 2023

The first sign that I put up in my hall as a first-year RA was a postcard of a lounging Tiger surrounded by the words, “The rest is just as important as the work.” At the beginning of a new semester,...

Just keep swimming: Taking time for self-care

Just keep swimming: Taking time for self-care

Ways to self-care, find positivity during stressful academic times and cultivate motivation
Malika Chauhan, Pulse Reporter October 20, 2022

As midterms wrap up and the number of days left in the semester starts to dwindle, the environment around Trinity may feel something akin to that of a graveyard. This change in energy and pace can often...

How to manage stress during finals season

How to manage stress during finals season

From taking care of yourself to decompressing with music, there are many tools students can use to keep their mental health up during finals.
Emma Power, Pulse Reporter April 28, 2022

Finals season is one of the most daunting aspects of being a college student. Between the late-night study sessions and the early morning cramming, finals can take a toll on the health and well-being of...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Acknowledging the intricate relationship between physical and mental health

Dana Nichols February 19, 2020
While exercising is seen as a form of "self care" and a healthy practice, there are ways in which it can be unhealthy that are important to address before it's too late
Photo credit: Ren Rader

Reclaiming your creativity from the stress of academia

Noelle Barrera October 3, 2019
Writing for yourself as an act of radical self-care and expression
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

What self-care method should you try according to your sign?

Natasha Sahu September 30, 2019
Wellness is written in the stars
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

What makes a relationship truly “toxic?”

Dana Nichols September 30, 2019
Determining whether a relationship is salvageable or if it's time to "drop" them
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Resist the urge to do everything

Natalia Salas August 22, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutI’ve recently become increasingly aware of how obsessed we are with productivity. We often brag about how busy we are and how little sleep we get. In fact, 40 percent...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Don’t stress about it: Taking care of your mental health

Lori Kinkler January 29, 2019

There are many reasons why students visit Counseling Services; anxiety is often one of them. Students frequently come to me after having received a whole host of mixed messages. Most are aware of the rising...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Abandoning past new years’ resolutions

Kayla Padilla January 23, 2019

A new year marks old disordered eating habits masked as “healthy eating.” Every year until this year, my resolution was to lose weight. It’s important to note, however, that I have never...

How you know it’s time to go home

Mathilde Le Tacon November 8, 2018
When leaving the party is the right call