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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Previously, on SGA: Wait, what building is the underwater basket weaving department in?

Previously, on SGA: Wait, what building is the underwater basket weaving department in?

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief January 29, 2024

This SGA meeting was held on the 24th of January, 2024 Climate Check Climate check almost mercifully went by without any senators raising student concerns until sophomore Senator Molly Van Ackeren...

Previously, on SGA: Heating up on and off campus

Previously, on SGA: Heating up on and off campus

Ava Peinhardt, Managing Editor January 22, 2024

This SGA meeting was held on the 17th of January, 2024 CLIMATE CHECK: Opening climate check, first-year Senator Madelyn Stovall informed SGA that the heating in Harold D. Herndon Hall had stopped functioning...

Previously, on SGA: Wellness, wellness, wellness

Previously, on SGA: Wellness, wellness, wellness

Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor November 17, 2023

This SGA meeting was held on the 15th of November, 2023 Staff chat: Kristen Harrison, associate athletic director for recreation and sports camp; Seth Asbury, associate athletic director for facilities...

Previously, on SGA: Christmas in November

Previously, on SGA: Christmas in November

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief November 9, 2023

Before the meeting, Christmas music filled the Waxahachie Room, and SGA members helped themselves to cookies and hot chocolate. President Danny Nguyen had a conflicting commitment, so Vice President Caterina...

Previously, on SGA: Campus events on the come-up

Previously, on SGA: Campus events on the come-up

Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor November 2, 2023

CLIMATE CHECK: Opening climate check, first-year Senator Eve Slemp asked why students are only allowed one swipe outside Mabee Dining Hall. Junior Senator Harrison Tinker answered that a meal swipe...

Previously, on SGA: Tardiness and TUPD

Previously, on SGA: Tardiness and TUPD

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief November 1, 2023

SGA’s photo event was running long, leaving the Trinity University Police Department (TUPD) officers there for staff chats and the Trinitonian waiting alone in the Woodlawn Room for 10 minutes. The other...

Show me the money: Project HOME funds student orgs

Show me the money: Project HOME funds student orgs

SGA initiative aims to lessen student organization stress with blanket funding
Monica Martinez, News Reporter October 27, 2023

Student organizations should see a money transfer in their accounts very soon, a result of SGA’s newly-implemented Project HOME. This $61,600 initiative will assist registered student organizations (RSOs)...

Previously, on SGA: Behind the scenes of admissions

Previously, on SGA: Behind the scenes of admissions

Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor October 27, 2023

Climate check: Mailboxes were officially removed from the Tiger Den on Oct. 11, and senior Senator Maria Duenas asked on behalf of Wills Brown, director of student engagement and development, what students...

Previously, on SGA: RSO stimulus approved and funding debacles

Previously, on SGA: RSO stimulus approved and funding debacles

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief October 13, 2023

Officer Reports: President Danny Nguyen opened the meeting with an announcement about the upcoming “media day” for SGA and reminders about the donor breakfast and tailgate on alumni weekend, as...

Previously, on SGA: Bravo, Bruce Bravo

Previously, on SGA: Bravo, Bruce Bravo

Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor October 10, 2023

Before beginning the meeting, President Danny Nguyen could not find his gavel to officially call the meeting into session. It was eventually revealed that Judicial Chair Pierce Jackson was hiding the gavel,...

Class of '25 Joy Areola speaks at the  SGA Transparency meeting. Photo by Fredric Marmolejo

SGA president and vice president both respond to finance transparency concerns

Daniel Itkins, Pulse Reporter October 6, 2023

In the fourth issue of the Trinitonian published this semester, opinion columnist Jack Maxwell called for more funding transparency from the Student Government Association (SGA) in how they distribute...

Previously, on SGA: The Wells Dish

Previously, on SGA: The Wells Dish

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief September 28, 2023

Before the meeting officially began, the members of SGA had a very serious discussion regarding whether or not President Danny Nguyen resembled the “Boss Baby” from the acclaimed Oscar-nominated film....