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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Classical music slaps: You guys are just mean

Savannah Wahlgren November 15, 2019
It’s a Saturday night in November, the middle of the concert season for symphony orchestras around the United States. The concert hall is full of expert musicians ready to performance perfection, but there is no audience. No music rings around the room. No applause greets the players as they finish. The concert hall is dark and empty.
christianjbrewster.wordpress.com Photo credit: Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh

Symphony orchestra celebrates “Trinity at 150”

Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh October 27, 2019
Opinion: Brian Bondari’s latest musical creation was beautiful, and it stole my heart
Trinity's Symphonic Wind Ensemble, conducted by James Worman, performs its fall concert. Photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

Trinity’s Wind Ensemble hits a homerun with Fall Concert

Noelle Barrera November 9, 2017

Trinity's Symphonic Wind Ensemble Fall Concert was a musical game of baseball. It may sound strange to compare a major league sport with a symphony of bassoons, oboes and saxophones, but the Fall Concert...

The YOSA Philharmonic performed John Williams’ “Star Wars Suite” and a number of other compositions in Sunday’s concert, “Star Wars and Other Epic Adventures.” photo provided by Jack Braden Imagery

YOSA Philharmonic delights with “Star Wars” tribute and other surprises

Daniel Conrad November 7, 2017

"This has been pleasant and all," I thought to myself, "but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere." If it weren't for Troy Peters' conducting, I wouldn't have known that the Youth Orchestras of...

Scott Cantrell, classical music critic, spoke about the importance of arts criticism. photo by Chloe Sonnier

Dallas music critic warns of art criticism’s bleak future

Kendra Derrig October 24, 2017

Music critic Scott Cantrell visited the Ruth Taylor Recital Hall earlier this month to deliver his lecture, "The State of Arts Criticism in America," to an audience of about 50. In the Oct. 10 event,...