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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Title IX over the years at Trinity

Title IX over the years at Trinity

In five years there’s been four coordinators and two sets of regulations
Giovanna Campolo, Copy Editor November 22, 2024

Since 2021, there have been four different Title IX coordinators at Trinity University and two sets of federal regulations. The Title IX office ensures the university is compliant with the civil rights...

Wiley A. Graham, Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, and Dr. Michaela Postell, Director of Title IX Compliance and Title IX Coordinator.

New Title IX coordinator’s vision for campus

Giovanna Campolo, Copy Editor October 24, 2024

This October, Trinity University welcomed Michaela Postell, new director of Title IX compliance. Previously, the Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services office were a single position, but now the Title...

A new era of Title IX

A new era of Title IX

Title IX office welcomes two new hires
Giovanna Campolo, Copy Editor October 17, 2024

After being without permanent leadership for almost a year, the Title IX and Equal Opportunity Services office welcomed two new employees. On Oct. 7, Trinity University introduced Wiley Graham, the new...

Photo taken from Trinity University website

News Brief: The new Title IX and EEO director at Trinity

Harper Horn-Clegg, News Reporter March 7, 2024

Nicole Monsibais, Trinity’s new Title IX and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) full-time coordinator, will be the second person on campus to fill the position. Monsibais will begin March 11, taking...

Title IX at Trinity: “The hardest job on campus”

Title IX at Trinity: “The hardest job on campus”

Trinity’s annual CEO report shows 1 out of 29 cases investigated
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter November 9, 2023

Trinity University’s annual chief executive officer (CEO) report indicated that, after students reported 29 cases involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking to the Title...

Paletas, condoms and ending the Red Zone

Paletas, condoms and ending the Red Zone

New wellness services event discusses sexual violence on campuses
Monica Martinez, News Reporter September 15, 2023

Last Thursday, Sept. 7, wellness services and It’s On Us, a new campus organization, hosted End the Red Zone. Seventeen booths gathered on the esplanade to raise awareness about the “Red Zone,” the...

Illustrated by lily zeng

Angela Miranda-Clark makes effort to educate about Title IX

Trinity’s Title IX coordinator works to make students feel comfortable reporting to her
Monica Martinez, News Reporter October 20, 2022

Title IX is a federal law enacted in 1972 that prevents gender and sex-based discrimination at institutions that receive federal assistance. Title IX covers equality in sports, but it also encompasses...

Title IX Trainings remain a timely requirement despite pandemic

Title IX Trainings remain a timely requirement despite pandemic

Title IX Coordinator Angela Miranda-Clark reiterates the importance of completing the required training
Logan Crews, Web Editor January 28, 2021

Online Title IX training was assigned to all students in October, but enough students had not completed the training that the deadline was extended to Dec. 18. In an email sent the day before the new deadline,...

Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

News brief: 10/30

Dana Nichols October 29, 2020
Spike in COVID-19 cases, hiring committee for Dean of Students formed and more
News Briefs: 9/26

News Briefs: 9/26

Dana Nichols September 23, 2020
Updates to Title IX regulations, upcoming surveillance testing.
Title IX changes diminish trust

Title IX changes diminish trust

Editorial Board September 5, 2019

This issue, we published reporting on the revisions to state-wide Title IX requirements that went into effect at the start of the month. Of these updates, the most important may be the new consequences...

Photo credit: Oliver Chapin-Eiserloh

Updates to Title IX threaten termination

Jolie Francis September 5, 2019
State law revisions intensifies requirements, consequences if madnatory reporters found uncompliant