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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Get to know us: people behind the paper

Get to know us: people behind the paper

Logan Crews, Editor-in-Chief September 22, 2022

For our fourth editorial of the semester, we’re going to get a little more personal. If you find yourself holding the Trinitonian in your hands every Friday, or waking up to our newsletter in your inbox,...

The responsibility to uplift and amplify

The responsibility to uplift and amplify

February 24, 2022

In an interview with the Trinitonian, Demitrius Brown, Dean of Students, said that one of the biggest benefits of engaging in Black History Month is that we become advocates for one another. That we practice...

The role of the Trinitonian

The role of the Trinitonian

Dana Nichols, Editor-in-Chief November 11, 2021

As Trinity’s sole independent student-run newspaper since 1912, the Trinitonian serves as a link between community members across campus and beyond. We report on prominent aspects of the student experience,...

Are the “real world” and health compatible?

Editorial Board September 10, 2020

Health and wellness are of utmost importance right now. We as a community have talked so much about physical health that mental health often takes a backseat to our discussions about well-being. Here at...

Senior column: "My college experience will forever be marked by the lack of a senior spring."

Senior column: “My college experience will forever be marked by the lack of a senior spring.”

Kara Killinger May 16, 2020

Illustration by Julia Poage   This is a part of our 2020 Graduation Issue. Click here to flip through the whole thing. I was sitting at the kitchen table at my grandparents’ house in Michigan...

Senior Column: "For how young our generation is, we’ve been told quite frequently about what is going to supposedly shape our collective temperament."

Senior Column: “For how young our generation is, we’ve been told quite frequently about what is going to supposedly shape our collective temperament.”

Benjamin Gonzalez May 16, 2020

Illustration by Julia Poage This is a part of our 2020 Graduation Issue. Click here to flip through the whole thing. In one of our many family dinnertime conversations during this period of social...

December 1900

Our newspaper’s humble beginnings

Douglas Brackenridge April 11, 2019
Celebrating the 150th festivities, university historian Douglas Brackenridge explores the Trinitonian's first issue
Correcting misconceptions

Correcting misconceptions

Editorial Board March 28, 2019
Setting the record straight about our mission, policies
Tune in each week for Kathleen Creedon's SGA summaries. SGA meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays in the Waxahachie Room in Coates University Center.

Previously, on SGA: The Long and Winding Meeting

Kathleen Creedon April 26, 2018

This covers the meeting on April 23. CAMPUS CLIMATE CHECK Junior senator Julia Shults, member of the committee created to find a new First-Year Experience coordinator, asked SGA members to reach out...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Push yourself to action

Benjamin Gonzalez April 25, 2018

The final issue of the 2017-2018 Trinitonian is here, and as expected it’s full of bittersweet nostalgia as seniors reflect on their memories at Trinity. However, that reflection doesn’t have to start...

photo by Amani Canada

Why I do what I do

Manfred Wendt April 4, 2018

Every conference I have ever been to has told me not to do this. “No one wants to read about why you are conservative or why you chose to put yourself out into the college community. They want to see...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Say yes to the press: Embrace Trinitonian interviews

David Tuttle February 28, 2018

Recently a colleague asked me for pointers on how to talk to the Trinitonian. It's a great question and hints at the trepidation some have when faced with being the subject of an interview. People want...