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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Far from a “consolation prize”: A woman VP will be a triumph for all

Far from a “consolation prize”: A woman VP will be a triumph for all

Ben Falcon May 8, 2020
Here are the top 10 women who could be the Democratic vice presidential nominee.

2018 Student Government Association Candidates

Jolie Francis November 8, 2018

PresidentTyler "Ty" Tinker (Junior)"SGA is in a good position right now. I'm not seeking to uproot the foundational systems in place. President Deva and VP Daniel have done an outstanding job in establishing...

Voting will occur from Oct. 30-Nov.1. File photo

Student Government Association prepares for upcoming elections

Kaylie King October 24, 2017

Trinity's Student Government Association (SGA) elections are nearing; campaigning took place from Monday to Friday this past week and voting begins Oct. 30. Nick Santulli, SGA president and senior political...

Tess Coody-Anders joins Trinity community in new vice president position. Photo by Amani Canada

New vice president position filled by Trinity alumna

Kendra Derrig August 29, 2017

On Sept. 5, Tess Coody-Anders will begin as Trinity University's new vice president for strategic communications and marketing; however, her connection to Trinity goes beyond this new position. Coody-Anders...