Where you study and what it says about you
Are you more of a second floor library type or a CSI studier?
Trinity’s campus offers many niche and comforting study spaces for any type of student. Some prefer sitting outside on the lawn, some prefer a more social setting in Coates Student Center and others may need absolutely secluded spaces in the library.
Let’s start at the library. The second floor of the library is for those students who need their space and need to concentrate. The slightest noise will get them going and make them frazzled. The best suggestion is to not go down there unless you are ready to play the silent game for hours on end.
The third floor, or the ground level floor where Starbucks is, is for those students who are ready to socialize. Behind the IT desk are computer booths and tables meant for students who have a more chill vibe and can be around others while studying. These types of people enjoy the open space the layout provides while also being able to close themselves off when they study and hide behind the computer booths. The big computer or monitor section also on the third floor is for the “too cool for school” people. However, be advised: do not embarrass yourself and go there if you aren’t a junior or senior, especially if you are not in Greek life. Usually members of the SPURS and Gamma Chi Delta sororities and the Triniteers fraternity dominate that area and have designated spots no matter the time of day.
The Center for Science and Innovation (CSI) can often be seen as the territory of STEM and STEM only. It is also meant for overachievers who will not quit until their work is done. CSI students usually romanticize their study spaces because, to be honest, it is a beautiful building. STEM majors hide in the nooks and crannies of CSI to be as isolated as possible. Sometimes you may be walking around thinking you found a spot to study, but the most random and hidden spots will be taken by these students.
You will also frequently find students in CSI studying as late as 3 or 4 a.m. Since CSI is open all night, don’t be surprised if you find someone on the couch near the POD passed out from studying there all night. CSI is really meant for those individuals who are efficient and ready to pull an all-nighter.
Now, Coates Student Center. Coates fits the mold for students who can multitask. If you can eat your Einstein’s, socialize with every other person who walks in and study at the same time, congrats. The top floor of Coates is also meant for students who enjoy watching people, because from the top you can see pretty much everyone in the lounge area of Coates. The Skyline dining area usually has many members of the Chi Delta Tau fraternity hanging out, but it is also for students who enjoy a good view while relaxing and catching up on their work.
Marrs McLean is another building that is open all night. Students that work here are generally studious, focused and motivated. They also have great socializing skills, as most of the students working in this space are working on group projects and studying together. Students in Marrs are productive, charismatic and consist of many engineering, business or STEM majors. Many resources like the whiteboards and classrooms are open for students to work in efficiently.
Tucked away on the furthest end of campus are Halsell and the sparkly new Dicke Hall for the Humanities. Halsell is a great study area for those students who need peace and quiet at all times. The people in Halsell are extremely cautious and can often be seen as perfectionists. Their study spaces are perfectly organized and nothing is out of place. These students tend to be more focused than the rest. They are also generally respectful and kind since both these spaces don’t have many people in them during the evenings, so students look out for each other and have a mutual understanding that they are also, in fact, different from the rest. The drop of a pencil will be noticed among students that study in these spaces, making them even more observant and mindful.
People who enjoy spending more time in their dorm rooms or apartments not just to relax but also to study are generally more laid-back and more convenience-based individuals. These people can even be classified as lazy, but hey, some enjoy their homey space and work better in their own environment.
Students who enjoy studying outside may be geoscience or environmental studies majors. These unique individuals prefer being one with nature and studying either in the hammocks near the tower, laying out in the lawn or sitting in the chairs near the fountain. Even if it is 100 degrees outside, these students enjoy the sun and relax while they study for their Oceanography-type classes.
Last but not least, if you enjoy working in Mabee … you are … actually nevermind, no comment.

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