Checking in with the newest members of Greek life organizations
New active members of Greek life organizations reflect on their first semester with their organizations
After a full semester of recruiting and orientation for the newest members of Greek life, students are excited to be a part of a new community within Trinity. While new members have only spent one semester in their organizations, members of all years, including Marisa Amarino, have expressed that the semester has been full of high points.
Marisa Amarino, senior communication major, psychology and sports management double-minor and president of Gamma Chi Delta, shared that she feels hopeful and excited about the next generations of Gammas. During their rush process, Gammas had rush dates with potential new members, and meeting them off-campus created the opportunity for further exploration of the San Antonio area. Rush dates were held at coffee shops like PRESS Coffee and dessert places like Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt.
“I loved the way we rushed this year because it felt very inclusive and positive. We had some of the highest numbers of rushees and RSVP’s to our recruitment rounds as well. Getting to see the club change and grow in the past four years has been really special to me,” Amarino said.
Amarino said that the Gammas have become more aware of the club’s history, and more proactive in wanting change and growth. Anna Gonzalez, senior engineering major and math minor and Gamma’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) chair shared that before 2020, Gamma put less of an emphasis on holding inclusive events and creating DEI goals. Since then, they have created more positions and committees for DEI and tried to incorporate the club’s involvement in campus events related to diversity and inclusion. They want members to feel welcomed and have a safe space where everyone is welcome.
“There is always room for improvement but overall I am thrilled to see where Gamma is now and how it will be in the future,” Amarino said.
Mia Cano, sophomore accounting major, found a new home after rushing the Chi Beta Epsilon sorority (Beta) in the fall. Cano said she has felt more connected to Trinity after rushing Beta in the fall, because she feels as though no matter where she is on campus, she can find one of her sisters and talk to them. After leaving her home in Houston, she still feels like she has family all over Trinity and she never has to worry about feeling alone.
“I would say the people in the org had the biggest impact on my decision to rush Beta. Ever since I met them, they were so welcoming and made me feel like I knew them for years. The Betas are never afraid to be themselves, and I respect them for that because not a lot of people have that confidence in who they are as people,” Cano said. “The more Betas I kept meeting throughout the rush processes, the more I knew I wanted to join Chi Beta because they just kept showing me what friendship and sisterhood is really about. I wouldn’t trade my Betas for anything else. If I had to do it all over again I would still choose Betas.”
Cano never expected all the benefits she has gained from joining a sorority. Cano expressed that there has never been a dull moment within Beta, as they are some of the funniest people she has met. She specifically had a very positive experience connecting with her sorority-assigned mentor.
“One of my favorite memories was finding out who my big was,” Cano said. “When I found out, I was so excited because she’s such a beautiful person inside and out. She has always been there for me and has taken care of me since I met her. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. ”
Will Heinemeyer, first-year economics and Spanish double-major, is a new active member of one of the oldest fraternities on campus, Chi Delta Tau (Delt). Heinemeyer was motivated by the camaraderie found within the Delts and is now more active and involved with campus life and activities. Being a Delt has taught him about teamwork and relationship-building. In addition, he said he has learned what it is like to have a group of guys that will have his back and support him. “I feel like I have built friendships that will last a lifetime. My favorite memory since joining has been our finishing night. It was my first time [celebrating] with the boys, my brothers, as a new active. It symbolized that I’ve created a bond with over 40 guys that will last. Plus, I’ve been welcomed into a culture that’s been built for over 60 years,” Heinemeyer said.
Timandra Rowan, first-year biochemistry major, joined the Alpha Chi Lambda sorority in January. After searching for a home away from home in one of the organizations on campus, she successfully found one in Alpha Chi. For Rowan, the biggest benefit since joining has been having a community on campus that does many things together, like going to sports games and supporting each other at orchestra performances.
“Another benefit that never even crossed my mind until joining is some of the academic help I get from the older students. I’m a STEM major and currently in all the prerequisite courses, and anytime I’m having trouble with a concept or problem, there’s always an Alpha Chi that can help me. Also, you can walk in during the lunch rush and there [are] like eight Alpha Chis crowded around the couches eating lunch together, half of them on the floor. I also love spotting another Alpha Chi on campus because it’s like spotting a celebrity,” Rowan said.
Rowan’s favorite memory since joining Alpha Chi has been the Greek Olympics that took place on March 3. Rowan said that, even though they did not win overall, they won for best spirit. Rowan even noted that she lost her voice due to the screams and cheers that this achievement caused.
“I also have never seen so much purple clothing and purple face paint at one time, it is so incredibly exciting when the Alpha Chis go crazy for Alpha Chi. A bunch of young adults going crazy over a tug-of-war game is not something I ever thought I would experience, but nonetheless, it was one of the most fun moments I have experienced since coming to Trinity,” Rowan said.

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