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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Online Exclusive: Top five cookie recipes

Maddie Smith November 30, 2012

A few things on everybody's mind for the next few weeks include: family, friends, gratitude and cookies.  Here's a list of those yummy treats that you cannot miss out on. 1. Danish Wedding Cookies Despite...

Online Exclusive: What to ask Robot Santa

John Mendiola November 30, 2012

Winter break is almost upon us and that means that special time of the year for arbitrary presents is also here. For some people, the love and attention that their family and friends give them is more...

The 10 best holiday movies

Faith Ozer November 30, 2012

No matter what you're celebrating this holiday season, everyone reaches that point when your family makes you crazy and the food makes you tired. Once you reach this holiday plateau, make sure to have...

Planning a party for the end of the world

Paul Cuclis November 30, 2012

Whether it be zombie attacks, nuclear fallout, a tailored super virus or good old-fashioned fire and brimstone, there is one inescapable certainty: this December 21, 2012, the world will end. Yes, the...

The top everything in pop culture 2012

John Mendiola November 30, 2012

It's a great time to maybe take a break from the normal grind of work and life. Time for all of us to grab the nearest cup of cocoa, warmest blanket and hottest friend while we watch, read and listen to...

Targeting Hollywood’s newest bachelors

Krista Campolo November 30, 2012

It's that time of year again, folks: mistletoe abounds before you, elaborate presents are exchanged between loved ones, happy couples are snuggled in each other's arms. Ah, yes. It's that time of year...

Three television shows to catch up on over winter break

Donald Dimick November 30, 2012

To help fill those glorious hours of well deserved time off that we call winter break, I have compiled a list of TV shows that will be perfect excuses to stay curled up in your room, eyes glued to your...

Morris Orchids EP by Morris Orchids is one of "the quintessential college rock records according to guest columnist James Swerzenski.

The quintessential college rock records

guest columnists November 16, 2012

First, the kind of bad news: Your music tastes will typically be set during your high school and college years, or better known to the majority of you reading this, right now. Now this isn't just me....

Art inspires local dishes

Paul Cuclis November 16, 2012

From Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, has seen fit to grace us mortals with her presence here in San Antonio. This time, she hasn't floated to shore as a naked woman on a scallop...

“Life of Pi” book review and movie preview

Krista Campolo November 16, 2012

Not on many occasions do I pick up a book that's part of a school's curriculum and thoroughly enjoy its contents. Nothing ruins a book more than attempting to flesh out its underlying themes and motifs....

Mind-numbing guilty pleasure shows

Donald Dimick November 16, 2012

In the middle of a busy semester, I have recently found myself wanting to sit down, turn my brain off and watch a show that doesn't require intellectual engagement, constant creative critique or even much...

What to be thankful for: 2012 pop culture edition

John Mendiola November 16, 2012

Ho ho ho. Hello there, children. I hope you've been nice and not naughty, because it's that special time of the year again: the time for the Trinitonian's Thanksgiving issue. Thanksgiving has historically...