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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Venus Williams slams down onto campus

Venus Williams slams down onto campus

The “very opinionated, loosely guarded” icon spoke to hundreds
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter February 1, 2024

Venus Williams, tennis superstar and entrepreneur, spoke with President Vanessa Beasley and members of the nearly-full Laurie Auditorium crowd on Wednesday, becoming the latest speaker in Trinity’s Distinguished...

Rosalie Leykum (left) and Claire Elliott (right) of Gamma Chi Delta

The battle on bid day: Spurs’ game vs. bid day

Bid day and Tigers Night Out fall on the same day and divide student attention
Monica Martinez, News Reporter February 1, 2024

Last Friday afternoon, the Coates Esplanade was filled with cheering, marking the end of another Greek life recruitment season with bid day. By night, 450 students cheered on the San Antonio Spurs and...

Previously, on SGA: Wait, what building is the underwater basket weaving department in?

Previously, on SGA: Wait, what building is the underwater basket weaving department in?

Sarah Fisher, Editor-in-Chief January 29, 2024

This SGA meeting was held on the 24th of January, 2024 Climate Check Climate check almost mercifully went by without any senators raising student concerns until sophomore Senator Molly Van Ackeren...

Fountain freezes over in 17 degree weather

San Antonio winter rains down on Trinity University

From the MLK Jr. March to students’ living spaces, the cold had wide-reaching effects
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter January 25, 2024

Trinity University responded to a collection of winter challenges amidst a shortened school week starting Jan. 15, which included pulling out of the time-honored Martin Luther King Jr. March and working...

Chalk written by anonymous students outside Northrup Hall

Chalk washed away on the first day of classes

Trinity students draw with chalk to advocate for a “Free Palestine”
Harper Horn-Clegg, News Reporter January 25, 2024

Those scrolling through social media or walking to their first early morning classes of the semester may have encountered one of the multiple displays of sidewalk chalk across campus promoting support...

Adapting to AI: The effect on Trinity classrooms

Adapting to AI: The effect on Trinity classrooms

Professors alter policies and create curricula to include AI usage in class
Monica Martinez, News Reporter January 25, 2024

As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, so do learning opportunities. Students now have three classes where they can learn about AI, an increase from just one in 2022. Accessible forms of AI took to...

Previously, on SGA: Heating up on and off campus

Previously, on SGA: Heating up on and off campus

Ava Peinhardt, Managing Editor January 22, 2024

This SGA meeting was held on the 17th of January, 2024 CLIMATE CHECK: Opening climate check, first-year Senator Madelyn Stovall informed SGA that the heating in Harold D. Herndon Hall had stopped functioning...

Previously, on SGA: Wellness, wellness, wellness

Previously, on SGA: Wellness, wellness, wellness

Rachel Oliver, Managing Editor November 17, 2023

This SGA meeting was held on the 15th of November, 2023 Staff chat: Kristen Harrison, associate athletic director for recreation and sports camp; Seth Asbury, associate athletic director for facilities...

Palestine Teach-In event draws overflowing crowd

Palestine Teach-In event draws overflowing crowd

MSA’s educational event on the Israel-Palestine situation sees remarkable turnout
Harper Horn-Clegg, News Reporter November 9, 2023

The Muslim Student Association (MSA), in coordination with several academic departments, hosted the Teach-In on Palestine. The event was created to provide students with an opportunity to learn about the...

The new tiger den.

Creating social experiences: Renovations in the Tiger’s Den

Student affairs wants student input to improve upon unused space
Monica Martinez, News Reporter November 9, 2023

New renovations initiated by the student affairs office aim to make the Tiger’s Den popular. The room sits in limbo, and it’s up to students to decide the next steps for the Tiger’s Den. Renovating...

Title IX at Trinity: “The hardest job on campus”

Title IX at Trinity: “The hardest job on campus”

Trinity’s annual CEO report shows 1 out of 29 cases investigated
Joshua Mitra, News Reporter November 9, 2023

Trinity University’s annual chief executive officer (CEO) report indicated that, after students reported 29 cases involving sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence or stalking to the Title...

Students participating in SASA's Diwali

Trinity’s annual Diwali event brings together community

SASA celebrated the Festival of Lights with dance, cuisine and sparklers
Eve Slemp, News Reporter November 9, 2023

In this year’s “Diwali: The World Premiere,” the South Asian Student Association (SASA) showcased South Asian culture through dance performances, authentic South Asian cuisine from local San Antonio...